Tips on Opening a Bank Account for Young Adults

Opening a bank account is a rite of passage in adulting life. It somehow means one is ready to manage their finances, receive an income, or even start their savings journey. But opening a bank account can also be intimidating and confusing, and questions such as “where do I even start?” will constantly pop up in your mind. So, to ease your worries, here are some tips for successfully opening your first bank account.
Have a Clear Goal of Why You Are Opening A Bank Account
There are many reasons one may choose to open a bank account. It can be for paying bills, receiving an income, short or long time savings, and even withdrawing in foreign currencies. So, before you decide which bank and type of account you will open, first have a clear goal of why you are opening an account. Otherwise, you will easily get lost in all the different options.

Find the Right Bank for You
Assuming that you now have a definite goal on why you are opening an account, the next thing to do is to find the right bank for you. Banks offer different types of accounts for different types of bankers. Some may offer a different kind of savings account for students who are just getting into financial savings; others may provide long-term savings for those with regular incomes. So, check your local banks, call an associate, and find the type of account that fits you and your financial goals.

Research, Research, Research
Finding a bank and a type of account should not be the end of your research. You also need to search about the machines and branches near you, if it is easily accessible to you. You also need to check on the fees if you can afford to pay them regularly. Checking if the bank has a digital banking policy should also be one of your priorities, considering that most establishments accept e-payments now. And, of course, you need to research other people’s experiences with the bank, for they could show you what to expect once you open your account.

Take a Sure Look at Your Finances
Opening a bank account is a big deal for your finances, especially if you opt to open a savings account. Be prepared to pay for fees (withdrawal fee, transfer fee, and many more). Also, be ready to have some money sit idly in your account (for maintaining balance). So, taking a sure look at your finances can ensure that you can support and make your account last.

Secure Your IDs and Requirements
Once you are fully decided on opening a bank account, it is time to worry about the requirements. Most banks will require you to present a birth certificate, 2 valid IDs, and proof of address or billing in opening an account. Although, it is still best to secure a list of requirements from the bank itself, for each has different guidelines in place. And remember, the earlier you start to process and obtain those requirements, the easier your journey will be.

An exciting part of being a young adult is getting to do things on your own, but it can indeed be scary and challenging. With these tips, though, banking would be a breeze for you. So, ace that experience and be ready as you take off to more challenging young adults’ experiences.

Darlene, better known as Da, is currently a broadcasting student at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines - Manila. Her interests lie in K-pop, books, and coffee. With living an *extra* life in mind, she aspires to change the world for the better with the same grace and grandeur as Legally Blonde's Elle Woods.