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Three Simple Ways To Overcome Procrastination

Three Simple Ways To Overcome Procrastination

Picture this. You find yourself in a situation where you need to do something. However, there comes a force that holds you back from doing it. It makes you delay and put off said tasks until either the very last minute or past their deadline. You’re most likely experiencing procrastination.

For some reason, you think that you have all the time in the world to finish the task. Or maybe, an inner voice would say, “I can do it tomorrow. There is no reason to rush.” A false sense of security has been implanted in your mind.

It feels difficult to leave the comfort that you are experiencing at the present moment. However, you would rather choose short-term gratification than do a task that remains dull and tedious. You would rather procrastinate while watching a series on Netflix than do the task that remains an important and valuable part of your life.

Sometimes, you wait for some magic to happen. You wait until you feel motivated and inspired before you start the task. Waiting for this magic, on the other hand, leads to longer procrastination.

Unfortunately, while you delay your task, you might feel this sense of guilt that will make you feel rotten inside. Although you remain aware that putting off things is a bad idea, you still continue to waste your hours on trivial pursuits.

Three Simple Ways To Overcome Procrastination

Avoid procrastination and turn big tasks into small ones.

Narrowing down the tasks will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed. Organize your tasks into smaller parts and create a schedule to finish each. Keep in mind that it should be specific, realistic, and achievable.

Photo from Craft Literary

For instance, instead of writing a ten-page paper for a day, change it to two-page a day, which makes that task less intimidating. Small, gradual progress is way better than no progress at all. This is a simple strategy you can incorporate when dealing with a big project and to overcome procrastination

Cut down distractions.

It’s hard to stay focused in a world full of distractions. If technological devices such as television or your smartphone are your biggest distractions then turn them off during the time you are working on the task at hand.

Try to distance yourself away from the things that are causing distractions, otherwise, it can derail your progress.

Also, if your mind is your biggest enemy, practicing meditation will help you sharpen your focus and have control over your thoughts and emotions. Focus is integral because it can make you do the tasks correctly and efficiently. Avoid procrastination by giving all your time, energy, and attention to it optimizes your productivity. 

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Reward yourself.

Giving yourself some incentive will propel you toward accomplishing your tasks. Perhaps, throughout your academic experience, you have received medals or gifts from your parents due to your academic performance.

You can also do this strategy by treating yourself to some of your favorite food or on a short trip.

The reward doesn’t have to be expensive as long as it gives you a positive feeling for getting your tasks done. This strategy works if you expect something good in return for the effort you put in. 

Those are the simple methods that you can follow that will help you stop delaying things and boosts your productivity.

Procrastination can be a common human tendency and it’s affecting the majority of people. However, it becomes problematic if the consequences of delaying tasks are unfavorable.

Hence, overcoming procrastination is crucial because it makes life more productive and fulfilling.

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