Slumber Party: Ideal games with your friends!

Slumber parties can never be that memorable without any exciting or silly games! For adults, these exciting games plus drunk moments are indeed very wholesome. Not to mention the quality time they’ve shared, slumber parties are what teens always look for, most especially after a very hectic day!
Board Games
During slumber parties, these games are consider as preliminary games. Just to get away from boredom, you can start playing any board games that you want to kill time. Many board games including monopoly, scrabbles and chess can be played by two or more players. You can also strategize or come-up with your own idea on how would you play these board games with everyone’s participation.

Truth or Dare
You can never end your slumber night without playing this game. We all love secrets, aren’t we? Truth or Dare is the classic yet exciting game for many! The fact that this can be play by group, all you have to do was to just look for your most comfortable place and play the game! You can use the “Spin the Bottle” technique in playing this game. One person will be the one to spin the bottle. “Truth or Dare?” will be ask to the person to which the bottle’s mouth points. The aim of the game is for all members to be ask the same question!

Beer Pong
This game is suitable for adult only as it needs drinks or liquors. Beer pong is a game of balls and cup filled with any drink intended for your party. This is a group game wherein two groups will compete with each other. The aim is to sunk a ball at the opponent’s cup on the other side of the table. The players from the team scored upon have to drink its contents. The group with empty cups will be consider as winner. Remember to drink responsibly or else… you know the thing! #DrunkMoments101

This game is one of the classic and exciting group game played not just during slumber parties but even on other events. Its a game of wit, technique and strategy. Charades is a ‘pantomime’ game and you have to act out the phrase written on the paper without speaking. Members have to try and guess the phrase being act out. Since this game is under time and pressure, you have to guess as quickly as possible!

These are just some of the ideal games you can consider on your next slumber party. Besides, you can come-up and create your own kind of game! What’s important is the time, laughter, and stories shared all through the night. What are you waiting for? Plan for your pajama party, now!

Kristel Anne, better known as Telly but hates to be called by her second name “Anne”, is currently a Broadcasting student of Bicol University. She’s an ambivert type of person to which led her as an outspoken one, and a struggling writer at the same time. As a long-time hopeless romantic, she sought solace through writing, plus watching romance genre or any tear-jerker films will always be part of the option. She also finds peace through music.