SB19 Pablo is a musical genius and these songs prove it

The P-pop supergroup leader may deny it, but fans know that Pablo of SB19 is a genius lyricist and songwriter. In three years span, he captained the making of outstanding songs that foreshadowed the group’s later success.
Amid the sailing of songs, Go Up, Alab, and MAPA, to the mainstream waves; more from his creations deserve the spotlight. Time might have gatekept these but you are not to be blamed!
Stand guard if you may, as we attest to Pablo’s songwriting prowess.
Pablo: a music hotshot
Although a distinguished member of SB19, John Paulo Nase, prominently Pablo, has long dreamt of pursuing his individual music artistry. Recently, his collaboration with rapper Josue for “Determinado,” was named the grand winner of the Djooky Music Awards 2021: Spring Season.
In addition to being a good dancer, he sings so well, and even composes and writes his own songs. Indeed, he is a strong point of his group, and of the contemporary music industry.

But granted these reasons may still fall short, we cherry-picked some of SB19’s songs that Pablo wrote, proving he’s come so far as a music genius:
The song title is a portmanteau of two Filipino words: “tila,” which may either mean to “cease” or a notion of something “alike,” and “luha” meaning tears.
Thus, “Tilaluha” is a sincere ballad song about unrequited love, released in October 2018.
Despite being a ballad, not a pop song, it is the debut song of SB19 as an idol group. This brave statement from the then-future name-bearer of P-pop only proves their intention to live up to Filipino pride. Which thanks to their striving have gone succeeded.
The wonder in Tilaluha is that all lines from the song end in “a.” This heartfelt song, which Pablo said was book or movie-inspired, highlighted the voice of SB19’s main vocal, Stell.
For fans, this is the most underrated among SB19’s songs.
Love Goes
A track from SB19’s “Get in the Zone” album, members described “Love Goes” as their earlier creation. It was also supposed to be their debut song before Tilaluha.
Pablo did a playful trick from the title up to the lyrics when he wrote the song. Since an “elegy” or a musical composition for the dead, the song is also called “LG,” short for Love Goes. Don’t you just love the logic?
Despite its quite upbeat vibe, the song is rather sad and meaningful. It tells the standpoint of those bereaved by their loved ones. If verses were to be savored, one will learn by surprise how the tune is a paradox to the message.
Give it a listen to get hurt, but jibe at the same time. Talking about getting “crazy” over a song, that’s Love Goes.
Pablo once again summoned creativity to form another frankenword. From Filipino terms “ikaw” and “ako,” Ikako is a unification of the words, and meaning itself of “you and me.”
This song is romantic in a sense and inspiring, dedicated to COVID-19 frontliners.
Yet, Ikako is not at all, a song only for the heroes of the pandemic. It can be your typical love song too. But it so happens that Pablo wrote us this at the time we needed to hear it the most. Hence, it’s admirable how it is not literal but still managed to convey its hopeful essence.
Among SB19 songs, it has the most number of versions. It was first sung by Pablo, next by the group, then rap was added, and a special verse too. Furthermore, it also had a studio version, later performed through a live band, and finally, with an orchestral accompaniment.
That is how you know it is beautiful.
And to top off the list, is a song Pablo wrote for SB19’s latest E.P “Pagsibol.”
Eccentric as it sounds; “Mana” is short for “manananggal,” a flesh-preying mythical creature that separates from its body.
Pablo used it brilliantly to express the message of the song. Theoretically, “manananggal” also translates to “remover” in Filipino. Therefore, it could be a subtle description of the critics that denies them recognition for whatever achievements it is.
But more importantly, Mana is an explicit allegory to SB19 as artists. Likewise how “manananggal” detaches from its lower body, SB19 can fly high and however, keep their feet on the ground. It is a plain, but profound metaphor on how one should look back to their origin despite the height of triumph.
An idiosyncratic take on the cliché of being humble, Pablo and SB19 did that.
If you are looking for a sign to be an A’TIN, here it is!
They said, whom we admire can tell so much about one’s personality. In short, our idols are a mirror of who we are as a person.
Imagine, if you were to stan a group that is progressive, talented, and substantial like SB19. What does that make you?

Renzo is an introvert who prefers to do things at his own pace. Unlike most writers, he reads lazily. Watching Korean dramas at night is his constant source of comfort. Although oftentimes commended for being outspoken, he speaks better through writing than with his words.