Prepping for Rainy Season: Essential items to have

Predictions based on the weather are no longer reliable since you could be caught off guard. Given the state of our weather, sometimes it is very hot, and unexpectedly, rainy days come up. Because you can’t change the weather, it’s best to plan ahead of time.
Many companies have either adopted a blended work schedule or reverted to onsite work after more than two years of working from home. Here are some of the essentials to prepare yourself for the rainy season:
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These days, the rain does not warn us, so we must take precautions. This season, an umbrella is a necessity. With the umbrella, you can avoid getting wet and chilly weather. You can purchase a portable umbrella that fits inside your bag if you are concerned that you will forget it due to its size. Portable umbrellas are easily accessible and reasonably priced.
Waterproof Bag
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You can’t afford to leave your important papers or cosmetics at home because the rain will ruin your day. You need waterproof bags to keep the stuff you need to carry about safe. When you predict rain, you must switch out your leather bags with waterproof/jelly ones. Even better, stock up on jelly bags this season.
Rain Boots
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Nobody likes dipping their toes in the water. This is a problem that is especially prevalent in locations that are susceptible to flash floods. So why not include rain boots, a must-have item of rainy-day apparel? Rain boots will undoubtedly be a useful addition to your rainy-day wardrobe if you want to escape the trouble of waiting for the heavy rain and flood to stop.
Ziplock bags
When traveling, always have a few waterproof plastic bags with you. Your valuables, such as your cell phone, chargers, power banks, credit cards, and cash will be protected from moisture and other damage when traveling in these plastic bags.
Extra Clothes
Since we’re talking about you being wet, it’s not difficult to visualize yourself getting wet. This is when a new set of clothes will come in handy. Extra footwear is also required. You shouldn’t be afraid to wear flip-flops because you’re in a tropical country. They’re not just a summer favorite; they also come in handy throughout the rainy season.
First-aid Kit
Since the pandemic is still going on, a first-aid kit is needed. Add additional face masks, alcohol, hand sanitizer, and tissues to your bag. Basic medications are beneficial to have on hand because the rainy season increases our susceptibility to colds, flu, and cough. Never skip a vitamin dose; prevention is always preferable to cure.
Extra Towel
Regardless of how well you prepare for the rain, there is always a danger that you will get soaked. Therefore, during the rainy season, always pack a towel. Towels made of microfibre are best since they dry quickly and are very absorbent.
You can still wear worry-free clothing during the rainy season. It might only require updating your rainy-day clothing and packing the necessities. You can minimize the hassles along with this rainy season by planning. It is preferable to be extra prepared and dry than to be wet afterward regretfully.