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OPINION: The Filipino Dating Culture is Weird As F*%&!

OPINION: The Filipino Dating Culture is Weird As F*%&!

From “haranas” to “pamamanhikan” to dating sites, the Filipino dating culture has changed a lot. This transition, however, is a mix of our normative Asian beliefs and Western influences. This is why, in my opinion, the Filipino dating culture is definitely weird as f*&%

OPINION: The Filipino Dating Culture is Weird As F*%&!

There is no dating stage.

Common relationships nowadays are formed after passing the “talking stage.” Two people decide that they are attracted to each other. Then, they talk for a certain period of time. After this period, they decide whether or not they want to be exclusive. This skips multiple steps in the usual dating phases. It’s a kind of dating that skips “dating” altogether.

Dating is actually equated to a relationship.

Many Filipinos equate dating to a relationship, and it’s not our fault. We were raised in a country where “courting” is an actual thing. This makes it incredibly confusing for many. When someone allows a person to court them, does it mean that they are already “together”? It shouldn’t. It seems, however, that most people did not get this memo. When Filipino men court girls, they usually act as if the girl has already said “yes” to them.

Filipino dating starts fast and ends slow.

Is it just me or do Filipino relationships tend to start fast and end slow? Most people start to exclusively date after a couple of weeks of knowing each other and then decide to stay after years together. This is not really a bad thing. However, it becomes off-putting when they still choose to stay even when they’re not happy because of “panghihinayang.” Filipinos also do not know how “breaking up” works. Back and forth relationships are so painfully common amongst Filipinos. Most of the time the “break up period” lasts more than the actual relationship.

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All of these do not invalidate Filipino relationships, these are just my observations as to how our dating scene is unique from the rest of the world.

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