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OPINION: Should We Separate The Artist From His Art?

OPINION: Should We Separate The Artist From His Art?

If the artist sings about drugs, can we say that he does not use drugs and only use them for art? Can we still support the artist’s art despite the artist being problematic? The answer is, that it’s on your morality. But, personally, I don’t think I can separate the artist from his art.

OPINION: Should We Separate The Artist From His Art?

Art as an expression

“He doesn’t mean it that way. He’s just expressing it.”

Art is widely known as a creative work or expression made through the imaginative skill of the artist. In this way, the art and the artist are connected with each other. The artist made the work as a way to express himself in his own ways other than the typical way of expression.

Art defines the artist and his way of thinking. So as his morality and beliefs. For one, an artist is family-oriented. With this, he can easily create a good movie or song that depicts family love.

The artist’s platform

An artist uses his art to send a message of his own thoughts that can only be said in his own way. It may be through a song, poem, or painting. Regardless, he has a platform to send his views. If he starts romanticizing toxic behaviors or sexualizing people in their art, won’t their supporters be part of the problem?

The separation of art and artist when it comes to artist’s behavior.

Take it this way, the artist is a very bad person. He was recently revealed as someone who abuses people, but he’s really good at what he does. Would you still support him? No matter how I find his art amazing, I can’t.

Why? Because that would also mean that I support his actions apart from the art he makes.

Although, if he changes, or sincerely and genuinely apologizes for his actions, acknowledges his mistakes, AND changes for the better, then I might reconsider. (I MIGHT) It’s still debatable depending on the gravity of his actions, of course. I cannot ignore the victims and what he did too.

What if he creates art that isn’t connected to his behavior? He writes songs about love, but he’s a known child groomer and very problematic. I won’t support him and his art. Again, if I support the art then it means I support him too. No, thank you!

Do we need to know the artist we support?

We don’t need a whole biography of the person behind the art. But I think that their actions create an impact, too. I think we are all guilty of supporting people while ignoring some red flags just because they are good with their art. It happens. But after knowing how terrible of a person he is, it’s your call to decide whether you can endure the person behind that art.

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Sure, no one’s perfect. They still make mistakes. It’s just that the severity of the actions that he did can be traumatic to some. So when the artist hurt someone, he shouldn’t be tolerated, and his art also says things about him.

“If he was such a bad person, why would many people support him and his works?”

Then, they probably chose to do so. Of course, everyone is allowed to support what or who they want to support. But also keep in mind that you should always walk the talk. You can’t support “don’t rape” as you praise a rapist, right?

At the end of the day, it’s still your morality on the line. If you can endure, what the artist did, then you could do what you think is right.

Art is the expression of an artist just as the artist is the reflection of his works.

Do you think we should separate the art from the artist? Let us know!

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