Missing someone from heaven brings a different kind of pain

Why does missing someone from heaven bring a different kind of pain? Maybe, it’s because you will never see them again, or maybe the happy memories still linger with you as if death never happened.
Sure, breakups and separations hurt, but it would be another story to tell when you got your heart broken because of something inevitable. Moreover, you cannot do anything about it anymore.
Furthermore, missing someone can be as easy as it looks, especially if they are still alive. You can set a date and spend more time with them. It will just become complex when you start to miss a person who just joined our Creator.
I can still remember the feeling of hopelessness, and mourning until the next day as soon as I received the unfortunate news. It sure feels surreal, not knowing if you’ll believe the news or not. Furthermore, you just want to think that it’s just all a dream.
It’s painful to miss someone from heaven because you can never hold them again. That even if you already spent enough time with that person, you will still feel that you wanted to have another lifetime with them.
Moreover, the way that you wanted to bring the person back, and the eagerness to beg for another moment to hug them for the last time. You just have that bittersweet feeling, most especially if that person were very close to you for almost half of your life.
Time waits for no one, and as what the late veteran actor, Eddie Garcia said during an Esquire interview:
“If your time is up, that’s it. When your time is up, you’re dead, people forget about you… “
However, you can never really forget about them, you just managed to live up to the fact that they’re gone forever. You just got used without their presence, but the memories are still alive in your heart. It hurts to miss them because it feels like life became against you for taking the person who loved you whole-heartedly so soon.
God would pick up the most beautiful flower for His garden.
Whenever we feel like asking why they have gone too soon, we can think that it’s just God’s way of letting them rest. Moreover, they have been with us for so long that they have experienced all sorts of ups and downs. They may also experience how tiring life can be.
Moreover, Jesus would grant everyone rest to those who need it, as He said:
“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28
This can also apply to natural deaths. Moreover, we can view death metaphorically, that He would pick up the most beautiful flowers for His garden to take care of.
We would always hear the phrase whenever someone does that “they’re in a better place now.“. Sure they are because they are now with the Creator who sent them to the earth years ago. However, just as much as we miss them, we must love them enough for us to let them go no matter how long it would take. In the end, take your time to heal, we all grieve differently.
Their time has come, and ours will come too. Death is inevitable, which makes death harder for us to accept what happened. However, we can choose to take care of ourselves during the mourning days.
It’s okay to miss them, but never forget to take care of yourself. They have already reached the end of the Moon River, and it’s up to us how are we going to enjoy the boat ride of life.
Say your I love you‘s often, make people and yourself feel loved because we never know what will gonna happen next. Always cherish the moments of the present. And spend more time with people you love the most.
“Moon River is about looking to the future and the past simultaneously. The river represents time and the journey from start to finish. It’s about the journey of life.” -Neil Anderson, Quora

Annefreid often finds herself being lost in the lines of serene melodies of this world. When writing, she usually uses personal anecdotes, and she also likes to write about the things she loves. She also wanted her write-ups to be something people will look for whenever they wanted to know about something, as she's fond of aiding people through her words as a writer. Moreover, she spends her time making music and creatively writing where she can exercise her creativity.