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Miss Universe Bahrain refers to Filipino Team as ‘wind beneath my wings’

Miss Universe Bahrain refers to Filipino Team as ‘wind beneath my wings’

Just a few days before the Miss Universe 2022 coronation night, Miss Universe Bahraini Evlin Khalifa declares her heartfelt gratitude to her all-Filipino pageant team who helped her throughout her journey.

On Thursday, January 12, the beauty queen took to her official Instagram account to thank her Filipino pageant team. Unbeknownst to some, Evlin is the first cousin of Filipino basketball athlete Dwight Ramos, from her motherā€™s side. 

“I always believe in gratitude. Without it, we will never appreciate the beauty of a glass half full / half empty. The moment you feel it in your core is the only way you can summon the Universe,” Evlin started the caption of her post.

The Miss Universe contestant also shares how she harmonizes with the fact that “the world is a beautiful, multicultural space wherein we cannot limit our borders to a single island, place or nation.” Evlin believes that working together and being global is “the best way to love, to progress, and move forward.”

The gorgeous queen mentions that it might be a new opportunity for Bahrain to join the greatest competition of Miss Universe, however, the wind beneath her wings, her Filipino team, is “undoubtedly the best in pageantry.” She dedicates the post as her “undying GRATITUDE” to them and that without them, she can never call herself a queen.

Photo from Evlin Khalifa’s Instagram page (@evlin_khalifa)

“…I am so thankful to each and everyone who is part of my journey. You donā€™t know how much I love you šŸ‡µšŸ‡­ Mahal ko kayo, to my walk trainer, my [make-up] artists, my stylist, my designer – all Filipinos – especially to my ever supportive National Director who is a certified Filipino pride and my co National Director – both of them have given me their entire efforts, time and wisdom so I can stand on the Miss Universe stage as they help me become a true transformational queen,” Evlin sincerely states.

The Bahrain Miss Universe representative ends her post by thanking the people behind her in Tagalog, saying,

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“Pilipinas, Maraming Salamat!


Months before the 71st Miss Universe, Evlin was spotted training in Manila, Davao City, and Balesin Island in the Philippines to prepare for the pageant. She also shared glimpses of her training on her personal Instagram account in 2022.

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