Maria Luisa Varela showcases a bangus-national costume for Miss Planet International

Maria Luisa Varela‘s winning formula for Miss Planet International goes beyond simply her intelligence and beauty. It also includes her readiness.
Always looking like a winner in each of the pageant’s activities and competition, you wouldn’t even tell that she had to pull everything together in just a short amount of time. An example of this is her elaborate national costume.
The work of famed Filipino designer Patrick Isorena, the costume takes inspiration from the Philippines’ national fish, the Bangus.
A mixture of bright blue and silver details, one can see the craftsmanship that went into making it. The costume features an exquisite body suit, headdress as well as a fishnet-like train. However, its real highlight is its massive replica of the bangus.
Hanging overhead, The fish can also be seen in the matching bilao, a flat, round rice winnower that goes well with the costume. The costume clearly succeeds in underlining the bangus’ significance as a national treasure.
Called milkfish in English, the bangus is essential to the livelihood and local cuisines of the country. As a common fish crop, the bangus is habitually grown on aquatic farms that are strewn throughout the archipelago. Readily available in the market.
A favorite form of seafood, it’s way of cooking varies from soups, fried, grilled, barbecued, stuffed or even stewed.
A winning national costume for a winning candidate, both Maria Luisa and Patrick did an amazing job in making and executing a stunning piece.
Miss Planet International 2022 was held last January 29 in Cambodia. Maria Luisa becomes the first Filipina to win the title.

Vee De Serra is a go-getter and a writer driven by passion. When in doubt, Vee believes that "Life isn't fair but it is up to you make it one." As a city and a beach person—when the sun is out—expect Vee to spend hours getting lost in the concrete jungle or laying by the shoreline with both finishing the day by watching a beautiful sunset.