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Local handmade accessories perfect for every Filipino!

Local handmade accessories perfect for every Filipino!

Local accessories have been one of the most trending talks today in the market. These handmade crafts have been winning the hearts of many. Even on other platforms widely used today, different kinds of local products are also in demand. Just like Manualidades.ph and Palm Dreams, a Bicol-based local shop I know which offers artsy accessories for you! It was just a simple hobby for both of them, not until people started to love their craft.

Local handmade accessories perfect for every Filipino!


Manualidades.ph started selling their local crafts to the public last March 2022. This local shop is run by a couple — Jamaica Hallare and Jomarie Camero, both college students. The shop’s name comes from the Spanish word “manualidades” which means arts and crafts and “PH” for the Philippines.

It all started from a beaded necklace that Jamaica and her sister sell in front of their candle shop at Holy Cross Parish Nabua. From then, she explored anklets and later on posted them on her Facebook account just to see if her friend would love it. To which now, manualidades.ph has almost hundreds of customers and even earned thousands of followers on their official Facebook page.

Manualidades.ph offers beaded and chip stone anklets, bracelets, cat eye necklaces, and even tie-dye shirts and hobo bags on the side. They also customize items according to your style preferred. All of their handmade crafts are posted on their Facebook page from time to time and can also do shipping through the Shopee platform.

Palm Dreams

Next up is Palm Dreams which is owned by Angelie Murillo, also a college student and an entrepreneur. Her love for anklets and bracelets drives her to pursue this kind of opportunity. She started posting and selling local crafts to her friend, then was later on loved not just by her friends.

Angelie’s mantra “Proceed and Dream” gave her the idea to name her shop. Adding up her name’s initial -ALM which eventually turned into PALM DREAMS

In Photo: Angelie Murillo | Graphics by Kristel Anne Sabater

She was also an out-of-school youth back then, and this shop has helped her provide funds for herself. She started selling her local crafts in various nearby cities and even towns. Her customers’ continuous support of her products made her shop known to many.

All of their designs are from their own creative minds. Also, since both shops love nature tripping, their products are patterned with nature which is perfect with any type of outfit. This is very evident through the color combinations of their crafts.

Manualidades.ph and Palm Dreams sell their crafts at an affordable price of P50 to P150 for their handmade accessories. While the starting price for their tie-dye products is P350 depending on their available designs. All products are 100% handmade with love and passion.

As working students, they both struggle a lot in terms of doing their crafts, their school stuff, and even their household chores at the same time. Additionally, doing these accessories isn’t just as easy as some might think – they both devote ample time to finish their products.

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However, these struggles didn’t hinder them to continue their love for their products. Instead, it serves as motivation for them to continue doing their crafts for their customers who continue to support them.

They’re the ones who will be there when you need them, and they’ll be the one who can help you grow your business. I know that a lot of people do this by using social media, but I think it’s important to get out in your community and talk to people in person. And always know the worth of your art.

Jamaica Hallare, Manualidades.ph

It’s quite nice knowing that there are a lot of starting and small local shops around us that happen to find themselves doing where they’re best at. What makes me prouder is the fact that amidst struggles, they still manage to do their priorities and their business at the same time. So if you happen to have a friend who’s running and starting a business, let us support them!

For other available designs of their accessories, you can check through their socials! Love Locals!

  • Facebook: @manualidades.ph
  • Shopee: @manualidades.ph
  • Facebook: @PalmDreams
  • IG: @palmdreams_00
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