Hiraya Pilipina, the answer to every hubadera’s cry

During this 21st century, there isn’t a single woman in the world who doesn’t own a crop top. Almost all of us have it, whether it was purchased brand-new, reworked, or given to us by someone else, it is now ours. Currently, with all these unending styles of revealing and sexy clothing, Hiraya Pilipina got our back.
Hiraya Pilipina is a local clothing brand in the Philippines that sells a variety of t-shirts, abaca face masks, and nipple pasties for both sexes — men and women. It is run by Cleo Loque starting from the year 2019 and at this point, she is merely a 19-year-old student at Enderun Colleges, a content creator, and an entrepreneur.
According to her, Hiraya Pilipina is our newest all-in-one comfort brand. It is made to empower every single Filipina out there trying a hard time coming out of their comfort zones. Her business is obviously managed by herself, together with her friends and family. Actually, they supply different types of products and one of them is their best-selling nipple pasties.
Hiraya Pilipina’s Nipple Pasties
Their nipple pasties are one of a kind. It has two varieties, the Hiraya Pilipina Classic Nipple Pasties, and the Hiraya Pilipina Slap-On Pasties. They differ from each other yet, they acquire and share three (3) similarities and these are as follows.
(1) Classic Nipple Pasties and Slap-On Pasties are available in five different inclusive shades of Abel, Rena, Kayum, Kutis, and Metzi. (2) Both of them are available in two sizes. For Cup A, they offer the 8 cm. size while for Cup B, they can use the 10 cm. size. Lastly, (3) each pair of their nipple pasties costs from Php 290.00 – Php 450.00 pesos only, together with its packaging or their so-called hard shell case.
Now to also present to you their main difference, here it is.
Classic Nipple Pasties are adhesive, whereas Slap-On Pasties are not. In short, the classic ones are easier to use since it stick instantly. However, Hiraya Pilipina wants you to know their secret. Based on their statement, Slap-on Pasties might be non-adhesive yet, they are designed for women who are struggling with adhesive touching their sensitive skin. To use it, you just need to hold it for twenty (20) seconds because it uses a special technology that activates with the use of body heat.
How frequently can you use it?
Along with it and since Classic Nipple Pasties have an adhesive, it limits how many times it can be used. But, for Slap-On Pasties which have no glue can be used almost 100 times.
Just a reminder from Hiraya Pilipina that in doing physical activities, classic pasties are more appropriate to use. Now, are you all encouraged to buy one of their pasties? If yes, you can check their TikTok account by clicking this.
Remember to be free, my co-hubadera. Our outfits aren’t and will never be an invitation for anyone to harass us. So, go get yourself a Hiraya Pilipina Pasties and start rocking your next spiced OOTDs.

Nathalie Shien is a 4th year BUeño taking a degree in Journalism under the Department of Print and Broadcast Media at the College of Arts and Letters. She is a well motivated individual who finds writing as one of her favorite things to do. It is her past time hobby to write literary works such as poems, short stories and many more. Aside from this, she loves to talk with people, socialize with them as she saw that it is a great help to understand someone's story. Besides, her desire to become a great writer improved as she joined their school-based organization namely as Bicol Organization of Neo-Journalists (BONJour).