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Learn Why It’s Important To Say “No”

Learn Why It’s Important To Say “No”

Why it's important to say No

Do you have difficulty saying no or simply denying invitations or favors? Maybe you think it makes you look bad? Well, not really. Being a people pleaser and saying yes to everything is not healthy. If you say yes to everything, you might find yourself in the middle of burnout. You may also find yourself unable to prioritize yourself, your own time, and your own needs.

With that said, saying no to people is more beneficial for you than you think. It helps you establish boundaries. It also clarifies to others what they can and cannot expect from you. It could be a good way of feeling empowered because you get to stand firm on what you really want, instead of just going with the flow.

There are also reasons why it is okay and important for you to say no. And, here are only two of them:

Saying no can be a sign of respect

Being able to say no to a person is a way of being honest to both of you. You wouldn’t want to say yes and not mean it, right? When you remain honest to someone, even if you say no, it just shows that you respect them enough. You respect them enough to speak about what you feel and to set a clear boundary between the two of you. Aside from that, you can avoid lying and committing yourself to things you do not want to do.

You are able to take care of yourself better

Saying no is important for self-care. As mentioned, it is a good way of remaining clear. It also inputs a healthy boundary for you. When you say no, you can prioritize your needs instead of trying to please others all the time. Although caring for others is a good thing, doing it too much can make you forget about taking care of yourself. Your feelings and your needs matter. So, it is okay for you to say no sometimes.

Don’t get it wrong. Being told it is okay to say no doesn’t give you any right or excuse to act rude and be a total snob. Learn the art of letting people down gently. This way, you can also help them understand the boundary that you set.

Taking the time to breathe and think about what you want is a good practice. Because the answer shouldn’t be yes all the time. If you find yourself leaning towards saying no, do not hesitate. Respect your feelings and be honest. Most importantly, say no respectfully.

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