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How is it like living in a family home with thirteen people

How is it like living in a family home with thirteen people

Currently, I live with my dad’s relatives and their big family. In the same house, I live with some of his siblings, my cousins, my nieces, and my nephews. In total, there are about thirteen people encompassing three generations in one home. This leads to a pretty interesting domestic life.

How is it like living in a family home with thirteen people

Everyone is all up in your business

People who live with big families will understand the struggle of having little to no privacy. In a big family, there will always be someone who would like to know what you are always up to and why. Whenever I go somewhere, I do not just have to inform my parents, I also have to inform my tita and my nieces who would also question me.

Photo Credits | Canva: Reimeline Jasil Sayson

Every day is loud and lively

A big household will always have children. Babies crying, children crying, and an adult shouting for assistance from the other room are the things one would hear during the day until late at night. YouTube is the main channel on television and nursery rhymes 24/7 are on the show schedule. Most days, the children would play with each other while the adults hang out in the house to chat and laugh. Similar to Cartoon Network’s the Loud family, our family can get loud and lively most times as well.

Photo Credits | Canva: Reimeline Jasil Sayson

All spaces are filled

Either by people or by things. There is not enough space for everyone in one room. Hence, the house is divided accordingly. During meal times when we get to eat together, there is not enough space at the dining table for all of us so some of us would eat in the living room area. Otherwise, we eat at different times.

Photo Credits | Canva: Reimeline Jasil Sayson

Celebrations are HUGE

Not just the servings but also the number of people who attend are a lot. Inviting relatives and family within the same area is also normal when living with a big family, especially during birthdays. Be greeted by not just your immediate family but also your extended family as well!

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Photo Credits | Canva: Reimeline Jasil Sayson

The more, the merrier

Big families may be full of noise and no privacy. Not having enough space for everyone and thanking relatives awkwardly for their greetings since you have not memorized all of their names (there are just so many people!).

Photo Credits | Canva: Reimeline Jasil Sayson

Yet, they are always there to make sure you are well. Will include you in everything as much as they can and offer guidance whenever you need or want it. In a big family, there is always someone you can have a chat with, laugh with, and have enjoyable moments with.

For all it is worth, living with my big family is something I would never trade with anything in the world.

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