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Girl Best Friend and Boy Best Friend: Are They Hindrances to a Relationship?

Girl Best Friend and Boy Best Friend: Are They Hindrances to a Relationship?

The internet has been going on about a boy-girl type of best friend. They say that these types of friendships are NOT CONVINCING. It so happened that people put malice between these types of best friends, making it more difficult for their REAL partners.

This has been present even before, but it seems that this has become more prevalent. Why? Apparently, the best friend of the opposite sex is a threat to the relationship of the other.

Girl best friends and Boy best friends

These are the terms used for the best friend of the opposite sex. There are online comments that state how they would refuse to have a relationship with someone with a best friend of the opposite sex. They say it’s because of the tendencies that they may have feelings for each other but are scared to admit it.

It’s understandable. Imagine the best friend knowing your partner more than you and other people pairing both of them together. There are some thoughts that can inevitably cross one’s mind.

Also, the number of people confessing that they are falling for their best friend would make one overthink the whole interaction. *ehem* Love, Rosie *ehem*

Love, Rosie (2014) | Although she didn’t technically ruin her best friend’s relationship, both of them are in love with each other despite Alex having a girlfriend.

Regardless, the best friend should not be the reason that someone else’s relationship is ruined.

Friendship or Relationship?

This should never have been a question. But, I can’t say this for everyone.

The best friend is expected to support the other with his choices. They can provide advice too but only when the other wants or needs one. It would be too much if you would give them unsolicited advice. You might make things worse.

If so happens that your best friend doesn’t like your partner, here are some things you can do:

Listen to their opinion. You are not required to follow what they want to happen. You just have to listen to their thoughts too. There might be a valid reason why they don’t like your new lover. An honest criticism from a person important to you might help you.

Defend your partner if your friend is wrong. If you love your partner, don’t let your best friend consume the wrong thoughts about them. If you don’t debunk their wrong judgments, it will be a bad impression on your partner.

Let them bond. This would seem far-fetched or too pretentious. But it wouldn’t hurt to try. In this way, they can get to know each other directly.

Should the best friend distance themselves?

It depends. Although, I think this should be done through a mutual effort first before making a decision.

As a best friend, you should know what the partner feels about you being around too. You may think that you should be above the partner just because of how close you are to your best friend. But, things have now changed. It’s important to consider your best friend’s feelings now.

The partner should reassure his/her partner that there is nothing to worry about. The assurance should not only be given through words but also with actions. He must be wary about his actions as this could affect how the partner would think.

The other should also be open about their friendship and respect what they have. It is important that you trust your partner too.

Communication will always be important among the three. Knowing each other’s sides can lessen the drift between each other.

What are your thoughts about your partner’s girl/boy best friend?

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