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Gift Ideas For Your Super Mom This Coming Christmas

Gift Ideas For Your Super Mom This Coming Christmas

Do you plan to give your super mom a gift and spoil her at the same time just like what she did when you were young?

Christmas, the season of giving, is just around the corner. It excites me to know that I can make someone happy through gifts. But on the other note, there are instances where I cannot decide what to give, especially to my mom. Luckily, a friend told me things that could make my mom happy.

And that is what I will share with you. Here are a few gift ideas for our super mom this coming Christmas! A gift that you don’t have to wrap.

Foot Spa

When I was a kid, my mom would walk from our home to her employer’s house to save money for my school expenses. I was too young to realize how big a sacrifice that was. Now, we’ve decided to treat her to a foot spa session [on her birthday, since she’s already returned to Saudi Arabia]. It’s not particularly expensive, but I know how much it means to her.

Manicure and Pedicure

Since you are already in the salon giving your super mom a foot spa treatment, why not have her nails done?

My mother was the first to clean my nails, and when she came back here for a vacation, she did it again. She has sacrificed a lot and to pay back for her kindness, we brought her to a salon to have her nails done. She’s genuinely happy despite worrying about the expenses. We just told them it was just a small gesture compared to her big sacrifices.

Haircut for Mom

Of course, nothing beats the excitement of getting your hair done by salon professionals. Since you already gave her feet and hands a lovely gift, it would be nice to also offer a haircut to complete her look.

See Also

Mothers often forget to go to salons to have their hair cut. In the end, they usually cut them on their own. Although cutting your hair is fine, the experience is still different. You get to enjoy the place and the service.

Date Your Mom

Buy your mom the foods she likes or go to the restaurant together and enjoy the meals.
Yes, we share food in our house but eating outside is different. Well, as for my opinion. I see it as a more intimate chance to get to know more about the other person. Since my mom worked in Saudi Arabia for seven years, our time choosing foods together and eating them became time to catch up. I have shared a lot of things with her about my personal life. In return, my mom shared how lonely she felt while working in Saudi Arabia and how we made her strong.

Most of these gift ideas and suggestions can be done in one place and you won’t have a hard time figuring out what to do next for your mom. I am aware that parents don’t usually ask for something extravagant. However, these gift ideas can’t still be compared with the sacrifices they did and still do. Express your love for your mom or for your father who acts like one. Did this article help you decide? Share your thoughts with us! 

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