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From Initiators to Sentinels: Decoding Different Roles in Valorant

From Initiators to Sentinels: Decoding Different Roles in Valorant

Valorant Agents

Since the game‘s launch in 2020, Valorant, a first-person shooter (FPS), has incorporated four distinct roles for players to utilize. This game has distinct roles that are helpful in securing round victories for the team. Furthermore, this team-based game demands the tactical prowess of each player.

From Duelists to Sentinels: Decoding Different Roles in Valorant

Aside from killing the enemy team, planting, and defusing the spike, understanding each role are helpful to win rounds in Valorant. Each agent has their distinct utilities that display advantages to the team. And for starters, let this article be your guide if you wish to learn the basics of the game such as knowing the different roles.


Sportskeeda | Initiators

Initiators are the ones responsible for locating the enemy team. They’re usually the ones who tell the group if they should push or rotate toward the next site to secure the round.

Agents within this role possess abilities geared toward initiating attacks on sites, uncovering enemies hidden in corners or tight spots. To add to this, they effectively support the team’s charge into battle.

There are agents who can suppress, locate, and concuss the enemies. Moreover, they also have utilities that can help the team such as mollies, blinding, and many more.


Game Rant | Controllers

They are usually the ones who have smokes. They protect the team by limiting the vision of the enemies so their allies can push through the site. Furthermore, they are mostly known as the line-up Larrys because they have calculated moves and mollies which can damage the enemies, securing the round — they mostly do this post-plant.

Controllers are also the ones who do the one-way smokes which is pivotal to the allied team. They can also cut the site so their teammates can have more control over the map to secure the round.

Agents in this role possess abilities that enable them to support their teammates by gaining control of critical areas, and strategically maneuvering foes into choke points.


The Spike | Duelists

These are the agents who are expected to get more kills, or as we know it, to frag during games. Their utilities play an important role to give their teammates more space to execute on the site.

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Furthermore, the job of a duelist is to enter the site first so their team can safely commit to the site by clearing enemies.


The Spike | Sentinels

I made this role the last because they’re usually the ones who are at the back of the team. Moreover, agents under this role specialize in defensive play, prioritizing team support through valuable intel, site anchoring, and avoiding the enemy’s flanking attempts.

If the duelists are the first to enter and clear the site, then sentinels are the one who clears the back so the team can safely execute in the site.

Now, understanding the roles can help in winning any rounds so you can do your job as a teammate.

The usual run and gun, strafing, precise aim, and gunplay are just as important in understanding the roles to win victories. Now, there may be players who are competitive in nature which can cause stress to some. However, enjoy the game without unnecessary stress, because your enjoyment is what truly matters in any game.

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