Everyone Has Their Own Red Flags. Either Change it Or Embrace It

There are so many terms these days to describe a person. There are ‘Green Flags,’ ‘Red Flags, ’ and even ‘Flag Pole’ among others. It’s interesting to see how you can be categorized within these three, either dating or general.
Regardless of where we are categorized, everyone has their own red flags. It’s just a matter of changing it or embracing it.
What does being a green flag, red flag or a flag pole even mean?
Generally, when talking about red flags, it would signal you to stop. As for the green flag, it is considered the go signal.
This became a context when describing a person too or when in a relationship. Suppose the person’s behavior seems toxic or unhealthy. In that case, they are considered a walking red flag. As for being a green flag, they show a very healthy and pleasant personality. However, the flag poles are those within the relationship who proudly flaunts the red flag.
I’m a green flag. I know I’m not toxic
Of course, everyone would choose to be with a green flag than a red flag. There’s nothing to be proud of when you’re the latter because it basically means that your personality will most likely bring nothing good.
Sometimes, we want to think that we are all walking green flags. We wish to acknowledge that what we are doing is the right thing in response to how and what we feel. But we might want to rethink such thought.
Okay maybe a little red flag
Admitting you’re a red flag doesn’t make you a green one. But accepting it and proceeding to change it can make your green flags outshine the red.
Although there are things that we subconsciously thought to be a green flag.
Some things people find as a red flag
Silent treatment. Some people might think that maintaining a silent treatment can be a green flag. They want to calm down first before addressing the issue at hand. Although, some finds this as a red flag due to setting aside the problem at hand. The silent treatment stops the communication entirely which would cause more misunderstandings within the relationship.

Trying to fix things while they’re still at it. They say you shouldn’t talk to your partner when angry. This is because you can say hurtful things that you don’t mean. But, some people prefer to do this. It’s because they can say anything without any filter. In this way, all their emotions can go freely. Nevertheless, people find this a red flag, even if you think this is the right thing to do.
Nevertheless, people find this a red flag, even if you think this is the right thing to do.
Thinking your feelings are always the valid ones. We tend to think that our feelings are ALWAYS valid. While it is be true that we should keep out feelings valid, this belief can make us reject any feelings other than ours. We tend to invalidate other’s feelings as we don’t want to invalidate ours.
Change it or embrace it
Some say, “If you can’t accept me for who I am, then you don’t deserve me.” Or “This is the real me. Stop changing me into something I’m not” That seems problematic, right? It is.
No matter how you look at it, it is problematic. People grow to be better. Addressing your wrongs does not equate to invalidating who you are. The world should not adjust to your behavior.
It’s either you change your behavior to the better, or embrace it and let the world adjust for you. Wouldn’t it be better to do the former
That’s why learning is a life long process. You learn every day.

Mae has always been into writing. She likes to write poems whenever she is inspired to do so. Or, she would just write her thoughts freely in her journal. Other than that, she spends her time listening to random music, watching movies, and just browsing on Twitter. It may sound like she's an introvert but she's really talkative when you meet her. You'd even wish the gods to let her stop talking and breathe.