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An Open Letter to my Low Maintenance Bestie

An Open Letter to my Low Maintenance Bestie

Dear Bestie,

We have known each other for more than half of our lives now. I can’t believe how fast time flies because suddenly I can’t remember when we first decided to be best friends.

We started to really hang out when we were in second grade. I specifically remember that you came to class crying because your grandmother cut your hair too short. That was one of the many things I still laugh about you until now.

Third grade was when we first discovered our liking for boys. We both had crushes at that time and we talked about them a lot. I vividly remember how you ran through the hallway to my classroom (we were in different sections at that time), and made me come out to tell me that you played the newspaper dance with your crush. It was the day of our Christmas parties. I was so happy for you that day, bestie.

In fifth grade, you were “recruited” to join a different clique. Everyone can vouch that that group was the it girls. You were insistent on bringing me aboard that squad. Even though I wasn’t really part of the original line-up (K-POP group yarn?), you were the one who fought for my spot in that friend group.

In sixth grade, I got my heart broken by puppy love romance. Along with that, my self-esteem came crashing down. You were the one who constantly tried to fix me. You were always going out of your way to help me in any way possible.

That was probably the time when I really realized that you are going to be a permanent fixture in my life.

I think that we both realized that our friendship was on solid ground when we were in high school. We went on to take our classes in different sections because you were more academically-inclined and I was just, well… happy to be there.

We both eventually joined other friend groups the first couple of years of high school but we always ran to each other at the end of the day. At that point, I was bullied everyday by the guys in my class. You weren’t there to protect me when it happens but you made sure that my bullies get a piece of your mind whenever you get the chance to see them. You helped me get through that ordeal and I’m so grateful for that.

By the end of junior high school, we had finally had classes together. Our circle grew bigger but we always found our way back to each other. Our minds were connected in many ways that even one small look from each other is a message only we could decipher.

We graduated junior and senior high school together. We literally grew up in front each other’s eyes. I could not forget the moments we shared that really solidified our friendship — our 3:00 A.M. conversations (it was mostly you, venting about something, and me, fighting the urge to sleep), our spontaneous fast food or street food dates, the random visits to each other’s classes, you in your pageant contests and me being the ultimate stage best friend, and all the other small but significant moments we shared together.

Time and distance never really stood a chance in breaking our friendship.

We went onto different universities. I stayed in the province while you ventured your way into the city life. You eventually found a new circle of friends and you loved them. You loved the city and you loved yourself more in that setting. I know because every time we had the chance to catch up, you always told me stories about your college life. And you knew I loved mine because I told you stories about it, too.

Because of our busy schedules in school and life, we seldom had the chance to talk for hours, to just randomly say things, just like we did before. But we kept each other updated for the things that matter the most.

Sometimes I feel guilty for not having enough time to contact or visit you. And I get this feeling of dread that we might grow apart because of this. But I realized that our friendship is not built on sand for it crumble that quickly. The experiences we shared during our formative years were enough to sustain it.

We can go on for weeks and months without talking to each other. But, by the time we meet again in person, we would always slip back to the way we used to be.

We would talk about Monsta X and Seventeen for hours on end. Every time we see a cute guy, we would share the same look. You would invite me to your house on random days and would just eat take-out food while watching a movie. We’d still talk about boys now but instead of newspaper dances, you’d share about seeing a future with this guy you’re seeing.

We may have turned into different individuals but we’re still the same when we’re together.

I don’t know what the future holds for us but I’m sure that we will be cheering for each other whether from afar, or from the backstage, or from the sidelines, or from the front row seats. I’ll be your best friend either way.

Lots of love,
Your Bestie <3

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