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Miss Earth 2022: Be a Judge!

Miss Earth 2022: Be a Judge!

Miss Earth 2022: Be a Judge

Attention Earthlings! Have you already decided who to support for Miss Earth 2022? If you do, then here’s how you can help her win! Posted through their social media accounts, Miss Earth is urging everyone to be a part of their pre-pageant competition judging panel. By following two simple steps, you can immediately thrust your fave ahead in the competition.

Miss Earth 2022: Be a Judge!

Conquer the Earth through the power of Social Media

The first thing you have to do is watch the following virtual preliminary competitions.

  1. The Fauna Costume Competition, October 29
  2. National Costume Competition, November 5
  3. Eco-Video Launching, November 10-13

After that, you can add your score by doing the following:

For Facebook users, 1 photo or video react is equivalent to 1 point. The same point goes for 1 photo or video share.

See Also

Meanwhile, For YouTube and TikTok viewers, 1 video like is equal to 1 point, respectively.

Total points from these social media channels will be combined along with the other judge’s score. Each competition will have a winner, one from each continent. The winners will be announced during the final show on November 29 live from Okada Manila.

Don’t miss the opportunity to support your Queen! Head on over to Miss Earth’s social media pages and start tapping!

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