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What It’s Like to Be a Pro Player: Vagabonds ESports

What It’s Like to Be a Pro Player: Vagabonds ESports

Vagabond ESports is one of the teams in Call of Duty Mobile that has the best players. But, have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a pro player?

Are you an aspiring Professional Player (pro-player)? Or are you a fan of playing online games? Does it ever crossed your mind if it is just about enjoying while playing? Or is it more than that?

Thinking about how they ended up being a Pro Player? Well, members of VB shared a story that might answer your questions. Care to listen?

Being a Member of Vagabonds ESports

Call of Duty Mobile offers two games such as Multiple Player (MP) and Battle Royale (BR).

Along with developing talents, becoming a professional player in the E-Sports market takes patience and commitment. Focus on developing game-specific skills until your muscle memory is accustomed to them.

They were teenagers when they joined their first team. Eventually, Vagabonds Esports scouted them and they became the best team in CODM BR.

Some got the support they from their family right away, and some did not. Some parents were hesitant but they saw the potential in their child, then later on gave their full support.

“Combination of solid leadership, communication, and access to good resources contribute to productive collaboration. Do not be satisfied. Always aim higher and do better.”

VB Blue

Passion, perseverance, and hardwork are the characteristics that each member possessed in order to become a pro-player. Managing time, non-stop grinding, late night sleep, trainings everyday—that’s some of the things they do. And hey, to tell you what? It was never easy as it seems.

“Focus, grind, never lose hope, work hard, and wait for it.”

VB Demon

They empower the team and won most of the competitions they joined. Players and fans of CODM are, most of the time, expecting VB to be one of the winners or perhaps the champion itself.

Wins and Opportunities

Having the chance to compete in an international tournament with many professional team as your competitors is an honor.

The members went through a lot and it molded them to become a better player.

“If gaming is your passion, just grind and do what you love. It takes a lot of time to be a pro player.”

VB Kevsup

Vagabond ESports has a great background of wins proving that they are the best team in CODM BR. Recently, they won the championship title in Maharajas S1 SEA.

Aside from that, they also won championships in Garena Survivors Season 1 SEA, Plunge S5, S6 and S7, BIH CUP S1, Amethaversse Minor League, GIBR S1 AND S2 SEA, and many more.

These championship titles that they won just prove that they are indeed the best team in CODM BR.

“I live by the quotation ‘keep on grinding until your idols become your rivals’. Never doubt yourself and seize the opportunities.”

VB Nash

You still want to be a pro player? Then, you have to learn from them.

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