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VP/Xclusives: Mark Neto Diaz — Redefining the Standards of Fashion Photography

VP/Xclusives: Mark Neto Diaz — Redefining the Standards of Fashion Photography

As a child growing up in the province of Bulacan, Mark Neto Diaz always looked forward to visiting the mall with his mom. Not for buying things, no, but rather to enjoy the sight of campaign advertisements and model posters. He was completely unaware at the time, but he’s already drawn to the beauty of fashion photography.

Now a 26-turning-27-year-old fashion photographer and CEO, Mark has realized his dream, establishing a modeling agency of his own. In the process, he became an inspiration to all aspirants wanting to enter the fashion and photography industry.

Mark Neto Diaz’s take on Fashion Photography

Photography is like a window to my mind, it shows people my ideas and visions that I have inside. It is like a representation of who I am as an artist and how I express myself.

He starts.

Mark defines himself as a man who loves creating ideas and putting them into action. And as someone who’s rational, he likes to approach his goals one step at a time. However, his open-mindedness drove him to explore the areas of photography that nobody usually dares to step into.

My biggest dream would be to see my works on the covers of the American and most of the major fashion magazines.

He said, determined.

Like all success stories, there would always be fears, doubts, and failures. When asked about his fears while pursuing his passion for fashion photography, here is what he has to say;

Fears? Probably losing myself while doing my passion, which I see is a major struggle of most creative artists in town.

The pursuit of your dreams is like a gamble, and we place our bets on our efforts and will to persevere. Mark placed all his cards on both.

I always believe that the more you do it, the more doors will open up for you. I am in a condition where I am not closing my doors to any possible opportunity that will be given to me as much as my talent is needed and put into use.

Life has a way of playing a joke on people. Its biggest irony is definitely how one’s childhood dream never ends up as one’s profession in the future.

His Journey to Realizing His Dreams and Potentials

As a young boy, he dreamt of becoming a flight attendant. Even though he knew he had an eye for beauty and fashion even then. Being a fashion photographer never crossed his mind, for he only sees fashion as something that only well-off people can afford.

What changed his mind, however, is one time when he went to the mall. Mark revealed how fascinated and intrigued he was by seeing brand posters and the models in them.

My interest was piqued by how photographers can put their ideas in a single picture. That’s when I started following supermodels and study their body language and how they convey their stories by it. I love models, I used to want to become one. But I am obsessed with body structures and features. I am deeply captivated by beauty in different forms and garments, and that’s how I ended up with working on fashion.

Mark explained.

The said models played a big part in his intention to venture into the world of fashion and photography. And even though Mark is someone who isn’t into following other creative people before, he was purely inspired by their photos even without knowing who took them. But surely there is an unspoken bond he must’ve felt through their works that resonated with him.

In addition, Mark described the first time he had the urge to create photos of his own, saying;

As an active student back in high school, we were given a task to make a film which I thought requires a lot of directions and angles. It was the first time I got to use a camera for filming. I was beyond fascinated by it that it made me realize that I have a knack for creating something using a camera.

Mark Neto Diaz, Photographer and CEO: A Zero to Hero

Mark Models PH is the product of Mark’s perseverance and sacrifice. As a self-made entrepreneur, he isn’t ashamed to talk about what he had to give up to be where he is right now. And I believe he has every right to be proud.

I have struggled so much before, mainly financially when I was just starting. I had quit my regular job then from being a cashier crew in a fastfood restaurant and shifting into a bigger and more competitive industry setting aside everything that it might cost me.

But then he never saw photography as a hobby, it was his passion. So he risked it all.

Nobody ever starts out great. It became Mark’s personal goal to gain a lot of experience. He underwent many photo sessions to master his skills and made sure that he is putting himself out there to discover more of his potential and purpose as a fashion photographer.

As for the creative process, I believe that the preparations is more important than the shooting proper itself. It takes a lot of time and thinking for artists to visualize and finalize our ideas. In my photos, I always want to show a classic yet modern approach that will be remembered even years after it was taken.

Mark is adamant about risk-taking. It shows when he embarked on the business world with nothing but his fiery will and determination to make it big.

See Also

My career path is a perfect example of how powerful your mind can make you. I started with zero knowledge about fashion but this is what I wanted to do. I committed myself to produce creativity and show hard work in everything I do. When you want something in life, you claim and live it.

Mark’s Message to All the Dreamers

The world is for anyone to dominate as long as you dream and work hard for it. In the same sense, Mark founded Mark Models PH with the goal to become the leading agency that will break all the stereotypes in the industry. He is calling out to anyone, regardless of your shape and color, will be welcomed in the family.

In Mark Models, we advocate for inclusivity and provide a platform for those people who are treated ‘different’ in our society. So me and my partner Josh Austria wanted to create a working environment where we give chance to anyone we see a potential in.

It’s going to be a long rough road.

Open your eyes to all the possibilities.

And once you make your move, always take your heart with you.

These are the things Mark Neto Diaz believes will help you in your journey towards your dreams. Keep believing and dreaming, you are halfway there!

Publisher | Richie de Quina & Gwynn Crisostomo
Editor-in-Chief | John Luke Chica
Senior Editor | Rapha Garcia
PR & Advertising Manager |  Josh Austria
Digital Manager | Allen Esteban
Words by Leanne Lorejo

Producer | Josh Austria
Creative Director | Nash August

Photographer | Gellovee Wite
Grooming  | Paige Seneres
Stylist | Nash August of #TeamJannoStyles
Stylist Associates | Ruzzian Escaros

Special Thanks to  Tea Ni Juan and Jacko’s Burger

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