4 Things I Would Love To See In Princess Diaries 3

A brand new Princess Diaries film is officially in the works at Disney. Of course, the news was welcomed by the fans of the franchise who has been waiting almost two decades for the return of Anne Hathaway and her awkward high schooler-turned-monarch Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi. Of course, rumors rose about the comeback. But, it has only been confirmed quite recently.

As a fan of the franchise, here are four things I would love to see in Princess Diaries 3:
Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi doing Queen thingz
The last time we saw Mia Thermopolis, she was officially crowned as the Queen of Genovia. We caught a glimpse of her doing some Queen thingz, of course, from the epilogue shown at the end of Princess Diaries 2: A Royal Engagement.

The franchise showed off how women are able to lead without a man by their side. This was obvious even from the start as Queen Clarisse leads the country without a King. Queen Mia, on the other hand, follows in her grandmother’s footsteps as she takes the throne without a husband.
The epilogue also displayed this quite well as women are finally given seats in Genovia’s parliament — even wearing those white wigs that looked as if it itches. Aside from that, Queen Mia has also opened up an expansion of the orphanage for a children’s shelter.
And, I would love to see more of her majesty deciding the best for the people of Genovia. Maybe Abigail Breslin could even make an appearance as one of the children that idolized Mia for her greatness.

Former Queen Clarisse and Joe being an old married couple
In the first Princess Diaries movie, we’ve seen Julie Andrews and Hector Elizondo‘s palpable chemistry. Clarisse had turned the music off right after Mia finishes her royal dancing lessons. Joe turned the music back on and said, “You’ve been wearing black too long.”
This implied how long she has mourned her late husband and a way to let her know that he’s ready to be there for her, not just as her Head of Security. He, then, proceeded to pull her gently onto the dance floor.

I definitely squealed when I saw them slow-dance at the ballroom in the royal residence in San Francisco. It was definitely a very sweet moment between the two. I felt like Charlotte at that very scene when she backed away slowly, trying not to disturb their intimate moment together.
Then, in the second movie, after Mia announces that she won’t be getting married, she talks to her grandmother through a headset saying, “Just because I didn’t get my fairytale ending doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.” Clarisse turns to her bodyguard-turned-friend-turned-lover, and she asks him if he would like to get married.

WHEN HE ACCEPTED, I GIGGLED AND GASPED VERY LOUDLY. We saw Clarisse and Joe make use of all the wedding preparations as they get married, instead of Mia. With the years passing by, I would love to see the two of them acting like an old married couple. Wouldn’t you want to see their love story blossom even more? I KNOW I DO.
Queen Mia’s interactions with Lord Nicholas Deveraux
Lord Nicholas Deveraux had set my standards unrealistically and ridiculously high. Although the two of them had formed some kind of animosity due to the whole stealing the crown thing, it just created this perfect tension between them. It was amazing to watch.

It was the way he looked at her, the way they danced even without the music, slept under a tree as a last hurrah before she gets married, and so much more. I AM BEGGING TO SEE MORE OF THE TWO OF THEM. They may be married or they may not, I just want to see more of them.
After the whole wedding debacle, Mia sits on the throne alone. Nicholas comes in, kneels in front of her, and proclaims his love for her. The Queen-to-be, of course, hugs him and initiates a kiss between them. She gets a toe-popping kiss and literally whirls her around.

We don’t really know what happens after this proclamation. But, we do know that Queen Mia did love Nicholas back. In fact, she loved him so much that she almost jeopardized the throne. Hopefully, they have not fallen out of love. Because that would just break my heart – literally crack it all the way down.
Princess Diaries have given me too many unforgettable lines that I loved using on a daily basis. For example, my friends and I would set a time and date for a brunch. I would take my time preparing and looking my best. When they tell me I’m late, I would just say one of Clarisse’s iconic lines, “A Queen is never late. Everyone else is simply early.”

Aside from that, I also love using one of Joe’s iconic lines, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Of course, it wasn’t his original line, Eleanor Roosevelt said that first. But, it was an important quote to remember, especially as a young woman in this day and age.
Fat Louis (or even the cat’s child), Mia’s baby brother Trevor, and Lily Moscovitz living in the same country as her best friend definitely takes honorable mentions in this very very very short list.

Princess Diaries ended with the sparrow taking off and the eagle flying for the last time. I’m not sure if the directors and writers and producers would see this article, but PLEASE, I AM BEGGING RIGHT HERE!

Angela Grace P. Baltan has been writing professionally since 2017. She doesn’t hesitate to be opinionated in analyzing movies and television series. Aside from that, she has an affinity for writing anything under the sun. As a writer, she uses her articles to advocate for feminism, gender equality, the LGBTQIA+ community, and mental health among others.