(20)22 Lessons I am bringing along to welcome 2023!

It became my personal tradition to look back on how my year went. So, here are 22 wonderful lessons I’ve learned all throughout the year 2022. Some may resonate with you, others may not, and a few could be helpful.
(20)22 Lessons I am bringing along to welcome 2023!
1. It is okay to leave places, people, and relationships that have hurt and stopped you from growing.
This year has been tough, and the idea of leaving is difficult. But, it is also an act of liberation as well. Looking back, I’ve been in situations where I used to dwell with emotional and mental challenges. When I entered the BPO industry while I’m still a student, it made me a working student even though no one forced me to do it. My teammates and team leader are amazing people—they contribute to my career and personal growth. I am grateful for them.
So, you might be wondering why I leave? Well, I learned a lesson that the job is not for me.
I stayed there for five months. Bu, after a while, I contemplated that every call I picked up was not giving me joy nor meaning in my life on a daily basis. The emotional and verbal abuse I receive from irate customers is also taxing, and I cannot take these things any longer. When I realize that entering the phase of adulthood does not end with earning money, what you’re doing should give life to you—to find joy in every little work you do.
When the weight of pain is not bearable, I know by then I have to leave. Thus, I feel my liberation as I take off.

2. Pursue what makes you “you”.
After leaving the BPO industry, I tried to continue writing and designing. I continue in creating content and writing poems to be posted in my Facebook Page (though I am on hiatus again). And, I pursued the clothing business my friend and I started way back in 2021. To be honest, I know for a fact that writing poems and designing clothes is what gives me meaning in life. So, the lesson refers to pursuing them and continuing.
Also, another reason why I leave is I realized that I have no time for church service. Serving God is like half of my life. It is home for me. So, it pierced me through my heart when I was having plenty of excuses about my availability in service. Serving God through his people is what gives me total satisfaction and life meaning. I cannot set aside it for whatever reason.
Thus, I am happier now that I am doing what I love. I learned that it is good to pursue things that makes me feel myself again.
3. Self-care, self-love, self-help is a must-learn lesson. You are not selfish for prioritizing yourself.
All of us are in different situations and life conditions, however, at the end of your decisions I hope you will always choose yourself.
I heard people call me selfish and stubborn. They say I always do what I wish and want to. Thank God there is assurance inside of me. So, their comments are not bothering me. Also, it manifests the love I have for myself. This year, I learned that whatever you do, people will always have a different perspective of you. So, it is important for you to know your identity and be sure of yourself. You must be firm of your own values so no one can trample on them.
Part of loving yourself is giving your body its essential and basic needs—make sure to provide your physiological needs because it is a must. You have to take care of your body to do other valuable things. Remember: you are not selfish for prioritizing yourself. As a common saying states, you cannot fill others with an empty cup.

4. Progress has different shapes and forms.
We tend to forget that progress isn’t always beautiful, nor flashy, nor linear. It does not stop when you’re victorious, or at the apex or your life. It does not end in your defeats and struggles, nor at your lowest moments. Progress is not only when you’ve achieved either small or big things. Progress is not only when you overcome something at your full power.
Because progress is not something that is always productive; it is not predictable, nor straight-forward. It is a continuous, unending, persistent, rough, and tough journey. But, the lesson is something that is fulfilling when you manage to experience it first-hand. Know that you are still making progress even when you do not understand what’s happening with you and your surroundings at the moment. It is part of the process.
5. You cannot please everybody.
Not everyone will like you for who you are, nor will accept your beautiful ideas, and it’s fine. Others will not understand the mood and vibe you radiate, and it’s alright. Supporters and bashers are everywhere and that is normal. You cannot persuade everyone to like you no matter how much you try to explain yourself.
In return, you will only be exhausted while those who don’t believe in you and your capabilities were sleeping soundly at night. So, let other people get mad at you without losing your peace. That’s the lesson. After all, you are not meant to please everyone.
6. Learn at least one new skill.
Living in a fast-paced and competitive environment is a little exhausting. However, it will not hurt if you try to discover at least one new skill. In fact, it benefits you in multiple aspects of your life. First, you learn new skill. Second, it can be a hobby, and an entertainment. Thirdly, you can monetize it (if you want). Lastly, you uncover another beautiful part of you that you might not know yet.

7. Celebrate your small wins.
After you learn new skills, get higher grades, get promoted on your job or work, existing (yes, living your life without grandiosity is also a win), doing the dishes, or other achievements, no matter how small or big your win is, celebrate them! Affirm yourself for every minor and little achievement you experience. Appreciating tiny accomplishments can result in even better triumphs.
It’s like magnifying positivity.
Go treat yourself an ice cream after you read this article and let the satisfaction and taste seep through your entirety.
8. You can find your safe, warm, and true people who will never take advantage your vulnerability.
Always remember that not everyone will hurt you. Believe that there are still safe havens and great places reserved for you where you will be accepted for being who you are. It is alright to be sad, but do not be downhearted from the situations that are too unaccepting for you. It is normal since you are not meant for everyone.
Your walls might be so high but it’s okay. There are people who will gently melt it and embrace the totality of yourself.
I understand your reason for being hard on yourself. You might be so guarded because of the bruises that you got from your past, but it does not mean that you will not find the warmth, care, and home from someone somewhere that is fond of you.
My earnest wish is for you to be able to go past it, for there are people who will love you — the ones who will embrace your flaws that will join your battles side-by-side, will not make you feel alone in this vast world, and can help you grow and to discover the best version that you have within you.
Do not deal with things alone. These are the people that choose to love you every single day, a kind that is genuine, kind, and warm.
9. Acknowledge and embrace your emotions or feelings. They are all valid.
Sometimes, or most of the time, we let our emotions hide behind those fake masks. We do not allow ourselves to release it. Because of that, repressed emotions are stuck, slowly filling up inside, waiting for that one moment to explode. But you would ask, how can we release those emotions? It depends on our own beautiful and unique way.
It may be through crying alone, talking to someone (your confidant), reading, writing, drawing, or painting (even digital arts), walking (it relieves stress and improves your mood), doing exercise or dancing, and/or praying. We are from different cuts, and we have diverse ways to express and to experience what we feel, especially in tough times.
Whenever you find it difficult, remind yourself what your core truly is, and feel comfortable to show it. Why? The lesson here is your emotions are all valid. Feel them but do not feed them.
10. You are not too much nor dramatic for the right people.
As a sentimental person, I used to take small things very seriously. Sometimes they are biggy for me. Glady, there are people who accept me for being my sentimental self and making me feel that I am not dramatic nor overly sensitive. I am grateful to be surrounded with soft and kind people in this universe. I hope you find one.

11. It’s important to have mentors in your life (may it be academic, spiritual, career, etc.)
Practically speaking, we need teachers, seniors, managers, and mentors in our life that could contribute to our growth. Fortunately, I have mentors in the spiritual and academic aspect of my life. They are good guidance and light to this little strange world we live in.
Nothing could go wrong when you are led by amazing people. This is my chance to thank kuya Felix, Fr. Rommel, Fr. Allan, and Jericho for being part of my growth in different aspects of my life.
Also, it is with great gratitude having Ms. Angela, my editor, for helping us cultivate and take a huge leap in writing and career development. Village Pipol is really filled with amazing and unique individuals. Kudos!
12. There is power in saying “no.”
An act of opposition is a little revolutionary (this is with exaggeration) here in a very traditional country. I totally understand why it is hard for some to disagree and express what they really want. It might be hard to say “no” to a friend, family, relative, or acquaintance, but if you are uncomfortable with their request, may you find the courage to oppose it. It is to protect yourself from being taken for granted. Most of the people around us are takers and the lesson is you have to know the limit of what you can offer them.
13. Speak up when something is bothering you. Don’t let them walk all over your peace. Meet them in their eyes courageously.
In correlation with saying “no”, tell them what they did wrong. Don’t be a walking eggshell and leave the wound all over your head while they sleep soundly at night. Good people will take your concern seriously and will be accountable for what they did. On the other hand, some will call you out for being too sensitive and turn the tables to tell you that you are the problem.
14. Try saving. It helps the core aspect of your financial growth.
As I grow older, I learn how important money is in our life. Practically speaking, it provides our basic needs to live. Saving money can help you to become financially independent, lessen your worry or stress because you are not going to think where you are going to get money for your unexpected expenses. Also, you will have money for emergencies because it acts as a safety net. It saves you from headaches of unexpected expenses and events that life might throw at your way. Better be prepared than sorry.

15. Read at least 15-30 mins a day.
Everyday is an opportunity to learn, and to learn is to read. That is the first or basic step to do. If you are not a bookworm like me, reading at least 15-30 minutes a day is very helpful. You can finish a book in a month by doing this practice. Sooner or later, you will find joy in reading. It is a relaxing and exciting leisure to do.
16. Keeping journal is vital.
I am a persistent journal keeper. It became my hobby and a habit since it helps a lot on a personal level, particularly in my emotional growth. Recording your day-to-day basis is satisfying. It is a good thing to have a compilation of your ups and downs. It’s like a best friend. To learn the what’s and how’s of journaling read here: Express It.
17. Some things never lasts. And, never ever occurred again. So, cherish each moment.
One of the sad realities about being a human is that there’s a tendency to take things for granted. We only realize and appreciate what we’ve got when it is gone. Later on, regrets take place. We should not stay that way. We have learned many lessons from the past and our losses. When we start learning, we should start doing it.
Appreciate what you have right now, not when they’re gone. Be grateful and acknowledge these blessings. Do you have family or friends? Make them feel loved. Do you have a pet? Take care of them. Do you have your so-called “favorite thing,” whether it’s a toy, book, pen, shoes, and so on? Use it responsibly and treasure it so you won’t have regrets or what-ifs because you made it feel significant. After all, you value it dearly.
Let’s appreciate what we have before it’s too late. Let’s cherish and love what we have while they are here.
18. It is never too late to take the risk. Keep on exploring. “If you believe you can, if you believe you can’t either way you’re right.”
I love what Henry Ford said, “If you believe you can, if you believe you can’t either way you’re right”. I think he is correct. Whatever the situation is, if we think we can; yes, we can! It depends on our belief within ourselves. Just a gentle reminder that success and progress have no specific timeframe. So, if you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or older age, nothing is too late.
Life is a journey that has no definite path, timeframe, and end goal. Hence, create your own because you can.

19. You are responsible to your own healing. Most of the time it’s okay to forgive and do not forget. And sometimes it is valid not to forgive.
The one I’m about to tell is a little uncomfortable for some, especially for those believers of the quotation “forgive and forget”. I am sorry to demystify you dear—but it is okay if we cannot forgive the one that hurt us. We cannot reinforce forgiveness if we do not intend to forgive, mostly if we are deeply wounded. In another perspective, it is normal to forgive and remember where and when they hurt us so we can protect ourselves from further and potential damage.
We may not force ourselves to forgive and forget what they did, but it is our responsibility to heal from the trauma they cause. After all, we are accountable for ourselves. We are not transferring another chaos and trauma to others.
20. Respect peoples’ time.
As we grow older, scheduling is a must and time management is a skill due to various commitments in life. I learned this one the hard way, and I want to be accountable because most of the time, notably in my younger years, I am running late on my appointments and responsibilities. Later, I realized that it reflects my attitude towards other people. Being punctual can display respect and honor to the person you are meeting and to their other life endeavors.
21. Schedule or make time for significant people at least once a week. It is a great breather.
Having “me time” is as important as having time with your confidant and significant others. We are human beings, thus, to be surrounded with loving and caring people is a good breather and charger for an exhausting week or month. Quality time is the best source of love. Having Friday morning breakfast with your best friend, Saturday afternoon coffee with your circle of friends, and Sunday lunch out with your family is a good thing to do. Romanticize dates and hangouts.
22. Go crazy, awkward, funny, sad, bored, weird—everything. There are people who will love your strange self.
There are seasons when you feel unloved. Time when your head says you’re not good enough. Days, maybe weeks, sometimes months, when you feel doing nothing, moments when you feel the world turned its back from you. It is strange, and you feel you are in your darkest nights alone. Hang in there, because many people are waiting for you to show whichever color you want them to witness. It is hard to open and become vulnerable, but once you find them, you will surely experience so much joy. Let the people around you love the totality of yourself.
In every season, year, month, week, and day that you will encounter, never forget to garden yourself and make it grow. So be ready to take off for 2023 together with these 22 wonderful lessons. Among the 22 lessons, which one resonates the most with you?

Rayvelyn who prefers to address her as "Rayve" is an enthusiastic writer of non-fiction stories like real-life scenarios and social issues. She is also a one-shot poetry writer both in English and Filipino. She loves to make her writings an avenue of warmth and care. Currently, she resides in Navotas where she devotes her passion in serving the youth through Mass Media Ministry.