Why You Should Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

I have never been the one to leave my comfort zone. However, recently I’ve been binging a lot of Yes Theory’s YouTube videos. Their whole motto surrounds around seeking discomfort and putting yourself out there. And, of course, I am inspired to do. Despite the fear and anxiety of getting out of it, I really do want to try it out.
Basically, the comfort zone is a mental state that hinders you from personal growth. Sure, there are times that it is perfectly okay to stay there. However, if we want to continue to grow and adjust to new situations, comfort zones are not a place to stay. It isn’t sufficiently stimulating. Staying there will just make us feel… empty.

So, why should we get out of our comfort zone?
New challenges rewire your brain and make you become stronger.
Despite being afraid, your brain benefits from new exercises. And, new challenges become a great way to keep your brain healthy. Feeling insecure in the face of change is natural. And, don’t worry, others who are getting out of their comfort zones are scared, too. When you feel nervous or scared, you feel alone. You aren’t.

Fear provides a warning that the path ahead won’t be easy. On the other hand, it becomes a problem when fear immobilizes you. The first step has to revolve around recognizing what scares you about the uncertainty that envelopes your being. It’s important to approach getting out of your comfort zone with a positive mentality.
If you fall from time to time, you will grow as a person. You will learn that failure is rare because most outcomes are success, learning, and growth. Most things don’t go perfectly. If you feel determined to try new things and grow, you will focus on what you’ve learned and forgotten about the failure.
Open doors with newly-found productivity and creativity.
Getting out of your comfort zone stimulates creativity to meet new possibilities. Plus, it breaks the routine. Research even showed that students who spent a semester outside their country had higher scores on two tests of creativity than those who stayed in their home country.

Staying inside feels like wearing blinders that make you focus on just one thing. You might tell yourself that you care about the things that already remain present in your life. You can continue convincing yourself that you hate the things you’ve never even tried. With every thought, you build thicker and higher walls between yourself and everything that makes you uncomfortable.
If you become open to the experience, you have the best predictor of creative achievement. This personality trait is characteristic of individuals who tend to take risks. They challenge themselves or try new things constantly. Take some risks and the walls start coming down.
Experiences can boost your self-confidence.
This one needs no explanation. But, of course, we didn’t want to leave it off the list. Leaving your comfort zone and taking steps to achieve your goals will have positive effects on your self-efficacy beliefs or self-confidence. Each milestone makes it easier to tackle another milestone.

Success breeds more success. And, thanks to newfound confidence, you can get more experience, knowledge, and determination. As you push out of your comfort zone, you test yourself. You will see how mastering certain skills increase your confidence.
A positive sense of self-confidence is closely associated with positive thoughts and aspirations with less anxiety. New experiences change everything about what you believe, what you like to do, how you behave, and how you live. The possibilities are truly endless.
Continue your personal development.
It won’t be as bad as you expect. When we were younger, we are more likely to take risks. And, it allowed for personal growth and development. However, as we grow older, we begin to fear failure. We have to push through this learned helplessness and paralysis. This fear just takes a serious emotional toll on us unless we change the way we think.

Getting out of your comfort zone… there is no better way to grow. Push yourself out and you will grow — guaranteed. And, it feels absolutely great. You can discover something you love. How can there not be tons of wonderful activities on that list? Try it all out and you will be proud of yourself that you even took the leap.
You will soon stand a little taller with the price of new accomplishments. Make that happen far more frequently than you do today. We paid a heavy price for our failures and this fear is a major obstacle to our own growth. This causes our personality to not develop and doesn’t allow the exploration and experiment in this new world.
Meeting new people and living rewarding experiences.
Leaving your comfort zone allows you to have new experiences, engage in activities you haven’t before, and open up to meet new people. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Meeting people that you’ve never been exposed to before makes you more adaptable to change. The more time you stay inside of your comfort zones, the scarier new territory will appear to us. But, the world changes rapidly.
Those who fear change risk getting left behind. For people who already push their comfort zone, change will not appear as frightening. They will welcome a new project at work or learning a new language as a challenge that can open up possibilities for growth that were not there before.
Well, basically, because you don’t know what happens when you face the anxiety and abandon that fear. Getting out of your comfort zone can help you achieve the things you have always dreamed of. Push through and out of your comfort zone — you might find an exciting new world that awaits you.

Angela Grace P. Baltan has been writing professionally since 2017. She doesn’t hesitate to be opinionated in analyzing movies and television series. Aside from that, she has an affinity for writing anything under the sun. As a writer, she uses her articles to advocate for feminism, gender equality, the LGBTQIA+ community, and mental health among others.