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SAVE THE BEES! Why would the human race die if bees went extinct?

SAVE THE BEES! Why would the human race die if bees went extinct?

How can small insects be so vital in this world? Bees can sometimes be annoying and scary. They buzz around and we feel like they might sting us all the time they are around. However, did you know that we literally cannot live without bees?

Since 2000, there has been an alarming decline in the bumblebee population all around the world due to several factors such as climate change, pesticide use, and pollution. Additionally, in an assessment by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FOA) in 2016, they found out that bees are on the brink of extinction.

If bees would go extinct, humans would follow. If they did not exist, neither would the human race. People need to be more aware of this fact and start protecting them.

They are responsible for much of the food on our plates.

Pollination is the most important thing in the global food system and an important process for our ecosystem. Pollinators are responsible for three out of every four crops that produce fruits or seeds for human use. Some of the pollinators are butterflies, bats, birds, and bees.

A study in 2007 about the importance of pollinators found that 87 crops worldwide are employed by animal pollinators. Aside from that, bees are considered to be the most important pollinators in the world. A colony can pollinate 300 million flowers in a day. They pollinated one-third of the global food supply, they keep plants and crops alive.

Imagine a world without bees. If this were to happen, a quick collapse would happen to our ecosystem. And, the human race would also cease to exist.

Save the bees

Bees can live without us, humans. But humans cannot live without bees, and that is for sure. There are efforts around the world to preserve and save bees from extinction. For example, the United Nations also proclaimed May 20 as World Bee Day. It is to raise awareness of the importance of bees as pollinators, the threats they face, and their contribution to sustainable development. 

In a statement, former FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said, “The absence of bees and other pollinators would wipe out coffee, apples, almonds, tomatoes, and cocoa to name just a few of the crops that rely on pollination. Countries need to shift to more pollinator-friendly and sustainable food policies and systems.”

If you are concerned for the future of the bees and the existence of the human race, there are ways to help save the bees. You can start by using chemical-free pesticides and fertilizers. Instead, use organic products and natural solutions such as compost for your garden or plants.

A bee getting nectar from a flower.
Photo from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

You may also save them by being eco-friendly and caring more for the environment. Be more aware and raise awareness. Pollinators are food providers and they maintain a healthy ecosystem. So, next time you see them, do not hurt them, instead, be more grateful and appreciative. Please note that a bee is more than just an insect that provides you with sweet honey.

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