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VP/Xclusive | Getting D Full Experience with Miss D Distura

VP/Xclusive | Getting D Full Experience with Miss D Distura

It’s not a question that our hair is our crowing glory. And, you all know that famous quote — life is more beautiful when you meet the right hair expert. I’m here to tell you now that — it’s true. Once you meet the right person to trust, especially when it comes to your crowning glory, life definitely looks and feels beautiful. So, let me introduce to you Miss D Distura

VP/Xclusive | Getting D Full Experience with Miss D Distura

Miss D Distura and her experience as a hair expert started way back in 2008. At the time, she didn’t have any experience with the hair styling and the salon industry. She wouldn’t have done it without the encouragement of people.

“I started my journey way back in 2008. I had no experience with the salon industry. But, I was encouraged by my former employee Majel Amparo to take the risk and learn the salon procedure. In the beginning, I felt very hesitant. But, then, I realized that the most important thing is to see our clients satisfied and happy.”

From then on, she nourished her skills and flourished in her experiences. That’s when Miss D Distura became Marqed Salon’s First Creative Artist. 

“The best part of being a hair expert is to be financially independent. And, more than that, to be part of every hair transformation of my clients. It brings a smile to me every time I see my clients happy.”

Despite her designation and a lengthy list of experiences and achievements, there are still people who express their doubts. These people will invalidate the things she has done, no matter how proud she is of them. So, when asked about these, Miss D Distura only said a few things about responding to it or even moving past it.

“It is part of our lives. People will always have their opinion. But what matters most to me is the opinion of my clients. I am all for their satisfaction.”

“There will be certain times that you have to prove yourself. But, it’s not about proving yourself anymore, it’s more about improving yourself and what you can do more.”

Marqed Salon’s First Creative Artist

A person’s hair is really their crowning glory as she pointed out that it expresses one’s individuality. And, that’s exactly what she wants to provide to her clients— D Full Experience of their individuality. Seeing them happy and feel beautiful is all she wants. Of course, this would be the time that she can utilize her platform as a hair expert, as Marqed Salon’s First Creative Artist, to empower and encourage other people to embrace their true and amazing selves.

“I want to use the platform to be part of every client’s hair story. I believe that hair is about relationships. Hair will tell you who you are.  Clients will go to a salon not just to fix their hair but also set the emotions.”

As a hair expert, Miss D Distura admits that there will be sleepless nights and that there will be days when she questions her artistry. However, as long as she continues to dedicate herself to her craft and her passion, she will continue to no matter how hard the process is. 

“If I could give a message to my younger self, I would tell her that — ‘You are not a failure. The world will not always be kind to you. But, you are blessed with the talent that God has given you. Your late parents may not see it. But, they are watching over you above.’”

See Also

“If I could also give a message to myself, five to ten years from now, I would tell her that — ‘Congratulations! You’ve made it! And, it’s time for you to pass the learnings to the next generation of hairdressers.’”

And, pass on the learnings she does as Miss D Distura gives a piece of advice to people who want to be a hair expert someday.

“Just do it. It’s not easy. But, continue to believe— because it will happen.”

Publisher | Richie de Quina & Gwynn Crisostomo
Editor-in-Chief | John Luke Chica
Senior Editors | Rapha Garcia and Angela Baltan
PR & Advertising Manager |  Josh Austria
Digital Manager | Allen Esteban

Words by Angela Baltan
Photographer | Levi Ramos
Makeup | Marco Lopez of Marqed Salon BGC
Hair | Jhopee Genato of Marqed

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