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Unforgettable Random Moments of BTS’s Jin

Unforgettable Random Moments of BTS’s Jin

If there is one thing we love about BTS apart from their music and visuals, the top answer would be their sense of humor. Being a comedian comes naturally to these seven members. If they weren’t idols, they could even become full-time comedians. Jin, on the other hand, is different from others; aside from being the king of comedy, he could be probably the most random person ever.

We all know that Jin is an introvert, but he can be chaotic, funny, and eccentric. He can be unpredictable at times, to the point where his intrusive thoughts always win. It’s as if he was thinking, “Never tell anyone my next move.” That’s how random he gets! 

With just a few weeks until his return from the military, ARMYs already have a rush of excitement about what awaits, especially with the upcoming Festa in June. As we wait for that day to come, let’s look back on some of Jin’s random moments that caught us off guard. And fuel your anticipation for the random acts he might bring in the future. After all, he’s coming home soon! 

The Cake Slice

BTS's Jin Birthday Live
Screenshots from Jin’s Recorded Live/Weverse

Despite their busy schedules, BTS members always come to the Weverse app to celebrate their birthdays with ARMYs. They always have a cake decorated with their animal emojis, like Jin’s alpaca. On Jin’s last birthday live, before he went to the military, he shook us with his own way of slicing the cake. He sliced it with his own bare hands, like he’s smashing a karate board! Jin even cut it perfectly, making the alpaca cake appear pitiful. He then proceeded with the live, as nothing unlikely happened. 

Awarding, Confetti, and Jin 

When Jin became one of the hosts for the 2018 KBS Gayo Daechukje, along with Twice’s Dahyun and EXO’s Chanyeol, he did some surprising things. Jin whispered something to the MC as the three co-hosts took their places on the red carpet. And while they were posing for the cameras, our world wide handsome suddenly threw confetti! His face even looked proud of his added effects, but Dahyun, on the other hand, was surprised by his cute action. 

Mic Drop? No, It’s Mic Eat

Screenshots from a BTS Jin Fan Cam of M2/YouTube 

During the set of their music show on MCountdown, the members were on standby, waiting for the camera to roll on each of them for the ending fairy for their performance of their song, ‘For Youth’. But Jin had other plans in mind. He put his mic in his mouth! Not only did his random act crack up his bandmates and fans, but Jin himself couldn’t help but laugh also. He even found himself funny at times!

Birthday Greetings from Jin

Screenshots from Weverse

Even though he’s in the military, he’s still as unserious as ever. On Suga and J-hope’s birthday this year, the oldest hyung greeted them, but in a comment under another post. On Suga’s birthday, he wished for it under his ‘D-100’ post. What’s even funnier and more random is how he greeted J-hope in Taehyung’s interim report post. In fact, that’s not the only ones where he randomly commented!

See Also

Morning Dose of Punching Bag

The ‘In The Soop’ series of Bangtan shows us a glimpse of their lives during rest days and how they bond together. However, Jin’s randomness did not escape the show. Every morning, he was hitting the punching bag, as if it were part of his routine. Despite appearing like he just woke up, it didn’t stop him from seizing every opportunity to hit it.

In later episodes, he explained his approach as simply doing whatever he felt like in the moment – going with the flow and embracing whatever came his way.

It’s all just in Jin core. There are many more notable and unforgettable instances where he shows his unpredictability and randomness. There is no denying that he is extremely random, but it is also no secret that this has only increased our admiration for him.

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