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Saoirse Ronan: Young Women’s Pride and Inspiration

Saoirse Ronan: Young Women’s Pride and Inspiration

Some know her as the independent and bold Jo March. Others recognize her as the rebellious teenage girl Lady Bird. For some, she is the monarch Mary, Queen of Scots. But as for me, she is Saoirse; one of the most promising actors of this century. 

Saoirse, pronounced as Seer-Sha, is a 28-year-old American-Irish actress. Looking back on the first time I witnessed her act, I fell in love with her immediately. From what I have observed over the years, her methods surely surpass her age. Ever since then, I have been obsessed with her. 

But Saoirse is not just her talent; she also navigates her path to her own success. Simply, she is a woman of her own. 

Saoirse is an Excellent Actress

Photo | The Cinemaholic

Based on the list of characters that I have mentioned in the first paragraph, you can say that Saoirse is a versatile actress. In the past years, she became a queen, an angsty teenager, and the protagonist of her own movies among many more. Because of her excellent portrayal of these characters, Saoirse received various accolades. Second to Jennifer Lawrence, she became one of the youngest four-time Oscar nominees in the history of the Academy Awards.

She is Dedicated to Her Craft

Photo | The Guardian

Behind her success, there is definitely a foundation of hard work. For her craft, Saoirse goes to lengths. If you have watched at least two of her movies, you will undoubtedly notice a certain difference. Well, that is because she does not mind learning a few other accents to help her slip into her characters more comfortably. Moreover, you can also see her respect for the artist in herself. Saoirse is honest to say that she is not afraid to take a time off from the limelight once in a while. As she sees it, it is healthy for her overall self. 

She Knows How to Use her Platform

Photo | Scannain

Being an Irish-descent woman born in America, Saoirse’s platform has always helped her in her advocacies. One of her passion lies in fighting for equal rights. Along with other celebrities, she became an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community, an ambassador to prevent cruelty against Irish children, and an environmentally-minded actress. In terms of film, the Irish Film Institute named her the inaugural ambassador to exhibit, preserve, and educate people about Irish films. 

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Saoirse is an Inspiration

Photo | Financial Times

Aside from acting, Saoirse also wants to try directing. Honestly, that one hit home for me! As a young woman who is struggling to achieve the career that I want for myself, seeing Saoirse as a successful woman inspired me. This is also one of the reasons why I am in awe of Saoirse. Not only does she represent Irish women in Hollywood, but she also shows that women are unstoppable when they are given choices and opportunities to become who they want to be. Saoirse is the proof. She knows what she wants and she does not shy away from what she thinks she deserves. 

In this age where young women are still belittled, having Saoirse Ronan represent us in mainstream media is a blessing. It does not only provide validity to our capacities, but it is also a beacon of inspiration for little girls all around the world.  

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