NO WHITE RICE DIET: The Hardest Diet Any Filipino Can Do
White rice has remained a staple in Filipino cuisine. Aside from that, it has become a good source of carbohydrates, energy, vitamins, and minerals. However, it gives low in fiber. If you’re like me, I have eaten white rice for most of my life. Recently, I have decided to try out the ‘no white rice diet’ due to many reasons.
Top 3 Reasons Why I Adopted The No White Rice Diet
Lower risk of diabetes.
Studies show that eating white rice can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The high glycemic rating of white rice can lead to a negative effect on insulin production and blood sugar levels in one’s body. With a history of diabetes in my family, I have decided to try and cut white rice off from my diet. It helps keeps my blood sugar levels in check. Of course, there will be other factors for diabetes and solely stopping my consumption of rice won’t guarantee me remaining diabetes-free.
More nutrients.
Too much rice and too few of other ingredients can starve you of nutrients. Although it doesn’t remain unhealthy, rice actually has a minimal amount of vital macros and micronutrients. This means that you get less nutrition compared to other foods per serving. Stopping my white rice consumption, it allows me to use this opportunity to replace it with a more nutritious option. This also ensures that I feel full while meeting my nutritional requirements daily.
Weight loss.
Totally cutting off rice for an amount of time won’t necessarily help you get leaner. It all depends on the overall diet that matters. Compared to other foods, rice remains fairly low in calories. So, coupled with proper exercise, removing rice from my diet leads to losing weight. Of course, as a Filipino, it’s difficult — especially when my older sister serves it on the table every single mealtime.
My no white rice diet journey.
Eating large amounts of white rice increases one’s carbohydrate intake. Yes, I lost weight after two weeks of cutting white rice off my diet. This remained a huge sacrifice to make. The main function of white rice as a carbohydrate includes providing energy. So, I have to look for an alternative to give me energy.
Since I don’t eat white rice, it makes me feel hungry. Eating vegetables helps me avoid the hunger pang as it remains high in fiber and protein. So, in replacement for it, I eat more of the ulam that my older sister cooks for us. And, going for long walks with my puppy for a little bit of exercise.
I don’t guarantee that adopting the no white rice diet will make you lose weight. But, it might help.
Angela Grace P. Baltan has been writing professionally since 2017. She doesn’t hesitate to be opinionated in analyzing movies and television series. Aside from that, she has an affinity for writing anything under the sun. As a writer, she uses her articles to advocate for feminism, gender equality, the LGBTQIA+ community, and mental health among others.