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My Favorite YouTubers to watch on a daily basis

My Favorite YouTubers to watch on a daily basis

Whenever I have the time, I would scroll through my favorite Youtubers and binge-watch their vlogs. Depending on my mood, I would either choose a Filipino-owned channel or a Korean Youtuber whenever I wanted to see a glimpse of other countries.

Here are my favorite Youtubers to watch:

Korean Youtubers

Michelle Choi

Known for her ‘Living Alone Diaries’, I love watching Michelle Choi because of her therapeutic vlogs. Most of her videos revolve around her life in her 20s. She has a great fashion sense as well, which I really love. When I watch her vlogs, I feel inspired to achieve her sense of responsibility and independence.

Kieun Choi

The first thing I watched from Kieun Choi was her ‘Cafe hopping vlog in Seoul’. From there I immediately watch more of her videos and subscribe to her channel after watching. Just like Michelle, her videos are very calm and therapeutic. I also get to see a glimpse of Korea which is one of my dream countries to visit.

Filipino Youtubers


For local Youtubers, I love watching Claudine Co because of her humor, wit, and sincerity. I feel like I resonate with her since she also lives in Bicol. I love it when she talks the language. It feels more welcoming and refreshing to be able to see a Bicolana thriving in the industry. I love her travel vlogs but I enjoy more when she shares her casual days at home with her family.

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Aside from their podcast, I feel grateful to Kryz Uy for her healing vlogs. Whenever I watch her videos, I feel calm, happy, and relaxed. Her relationship with her husband is just something you would ask for. Plus, their parenting style toward their two cute sons, Scottie and Sevi is just very admirable. I hope more parents can get to watch her vlogs and hopefully learn something from them.

Small Laude

Despite Small Laude being well-off you wouldn’t see any ounce of bragging from her videos. That is why I love watching her vlogs because it’s very fun to watch. I think we all wanted to be like Tita Small. Just imagine going to Bangkok because you are craving Mango Sticky Rice. Crazy right? Kidding aside, I love her videos with her children especially since they all hold different personalities.

These are just some of the Youtubers that I watch usually on a daily basis. How about you? Which Youtube channel do you enjoy watching?

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