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In this time of pandemic, Palm Sunday matters more than ever

In this time of pandemic, Palm Sunday matters more than ever

Today is Palm Sunday and it commences the Holy Week. The dilemma that we’re going through because of the coronavirus outbreak heightens the significance of the Holy Week. We have to admit that in the recent past, this time has just become empty rituals in our lives. We’ve become so consumed with everything that’s around us, especially social media. But now, more than ever, we need to strengthen our faith. Jesus Christ sacrificed his life just to save us all, and only he can do it again.

Palm Sunday
Photo Credit to Vatican News

This is such a terrifying time and anxiety is grappling us, but this is also the best time to draw ourselves to God. With death tolls in a sustained and unprecedented rise, we are experiencing this pandemic in full force. These things are beyond our grasp and are larger than life. But when everything is out of control, the best thing to do is to be faithful and hope that it will eventually pass.

How can we celebrate Palm Sunday at Home?

We Christians celebrate Palm Sunday as a reminder of God’s faithfulness. Going to our favorite church is not possible so as gathering palms but we can do it differently. We can sing songs of worship with our family, the people who matter the most.

Palm Sunday Philippines
Photo Credit to GMA-7

We can also use this time to reflect, repent, and devote our time to prayers. Churches also conduct live stream services, we can also tune in to that. These things can do wonders for our spiritual lives as it can ground us and can make us realize how worthless are lives are without God’s presence.

Why should we not worry?

Fear robs us of peace and joy and it makes us more anxious. This kind of fear that is inflicted upon us due to the outbreak scare can dissipate with our renewed faith to God. Now, more than ever is the best time to hold on to him and be strong in faith. Just like what he said in Deuteronomy 31:8 “He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Palm Sunday Filipinos
Photo Credit to Peewee Bacuno of GMA-7

It’s so easy to be worried these days due to the uncertainty that lies before us. The fear that we can acquire the virus anytime, the fear that the quarantine needs to be extended, the fear of running out of food and money. We don’t know when this will end. But as Christians, we know that God will give us the strength that we need to overcome this. As Matthew 6:34 says, Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

What should we focus on?

Let us focus on the true meaning and symbolism of the Holy Week, that through God’s ultimate sacrifice, we’re saved and set free. We should all reflect that it’s not about joining a procession, nor visiting various churches. It’s about the prelude in commemoration of the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord.

Palm Sunday Binondo
Photo Credit to Danny Pata of GMA 7

Let this also be a reminder that God loves us so much and that he will never leave us no matter what. We may not be able to raise the palm branches today due to isolation, but once we overcome all this, we will all rejoice and lift our hands together in the victory of defeating this pandemic.

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