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Basel Manadil shares his story about why he chose to become a Filipino

Basel Manadil shares his story about why he chose to become a Filipino

Basel Manadil (The Hungry Syrian Wanderer) changed his nationality and recently became an official Filipino citizen. He shared his story in Toni Talks on why and how he came up with the decision. The video of his story was uploaded last July 18 on Toni Gonzaga’s YouTube channel. There, The Hungry Syrian Wanderer told his story about why he chose to be a Filipino, despite being a pureblooded Syrian.

The Hungry Syrian Wanderer is famous for his many acts of kindness towards people. However, we don’t know the real story behind those helping hands, why he is here in our country, and why he chose to embrace the nationality.

Basel Manadil shares his story about why he chose to become a Filipino

Manadil started to live alone in the Philippines in 2013. He arrived as an 18-year-old boy as his family decided to leave the country due to the civil war that was happening in Syria. His mom and sister stay in Saudi Arabia while his dad and brother live in France.

He shared that he didn’t have an easy life here. He was alone and far from his family. However, he endured this bittersweet life and graduated from a university. Then, he started to find a job, discovered how much he liked vlogging and fell in love with the Philippines. Then, he became famous for helping people. When Toni asked him, what pushed him to do it, he said it’s because of his family.

“We have values, we believe in good karma always, and my dad also stands for that. My dad is a very generous man and my mom as well… we were raise like that.”

When he asked why he converted nationalities, he stated how unintended it actually is.

“Unintenionally, I became like Filipino because I love the food. I really love the culture, I already act as one, I lived as one. So, it’s not like I intended… it’s just came to me naturally.”

He also shared what was the feeling when he officially becomes one.

“It’s amazing, of course… it’s good.. I don’t feel that I’m a foreigner.”

Moreover, Basel also stated that he thinks he gonna live here for good. He feels like it’s already a home where he really belongs to. Regardless of his nationality, his love for the Philippines won’t change.

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