ASGC partners with MyPhone to give students free phones in support of e-learning set up

As the new school year approaches, Academia System Global Colleges of Talisay City, Cebu has partnered with the first Filipino phone brand in the Philippines, MyPhone, to provide free cellular phones for Grade 10 completers.
In line to the Department of Education’s initiative to conduct modular learning to students for the upcoming school year, ACGS took their part to support their students in coping with the new learning environment, making them the first school in the Philippines to give free cellular phones to their students.
ASGC x MyPhone: Variable learning opportunities and educational experience
According to ACGS’ President Dr. Ferdinand Yap Tomakin, they have been motivated by the school’s mission to offer variable learning opportunities and educational experience geared towards the total formation of their students.
“Giving out free cellular phones is the ultimate manifestation of the school’s commitment in providing optimum and quality learning,” he said. “In doing so, the school will be able to reach out especially to the underprivileged, keeping true to our philosophy that education is a fundamental right and not a privilege,” he added.
Free cellular phones
Students who will receive free cellular phones can easily communicate with their teacher through online or text messaging.
In addition, ASGC reiterated that if a student opt not to receive a cellular phone, they will still be entitled for the free allowance of P500, free educational supplies, free P.E. uniform, and other inclusions in line with their offer of free tuition, miscellaneous, and other school fees for Grade 10 completers from public schools.
MyPhone, on the other hand, has extended their overwhelming gratitude to the school’s capability and openness to support the youth.
“We are glad that they reached the right phone brand as we also wanted to tap students in our future projects,” MyPhone Vice President Kevin Tan said. “MyPhone has been providing quality and affordable phones for the Filipinos since 2007 and this being partnered with a school is a great opportunity for us to reach the right market with our gadgets,” he added.
The Filipino phone brand has recently launched Balik-Aral sa Tahanan campaign which aims to introduce the use of tablets and other mobile devices as an e-learning equipment for students.
For more information about this partnership, like and follow MyPhone’s official social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter or visit and Academia System Global Colleges’ Facebook page or visit