Airline Passenger Rights and Responsibilities

Air passengers have their rights and responsibilities – given privilege and obligations. Passenger airlines are generally known to transport human passengers prioritizing their safety and security.
A flight attendant, also known as steward/stewardess or air host/air hostess is primarily responsible for the passenger’s safety and comfort. Collectively called ‘cabin crew’
Airline Passenger Rights

Right to Information
Passengers have the right to be provided with accurate and factual information before proceeding with any purchases.
It is one of the most important rights every passenger should have. To be informed what ticket he/she should purchase. The availability of the seats, periods of the entire travel, and any other conditions.
Right to Service Purchased
Passengers have the right to receive the full value of the service purchased.
Airline industries should be equally considerate to their passengers in any possible encounter. There should be enough allotted time for booking, checking in and departure. Each of the following passengers should be equally assisted. Especially those persons with disabilities, senior citizens, and other passengers who are needing extra focus/assistance. Any of these individuals should be the airline’s top priority.

Right to Compensation
In case a flight has to be canceled, it is the right of every passenger to:
- be notified/reminded of the occurrence of the flight cancellation
- be provided with refreshments
- hotel accommodation
- transportation from the airport to the hotel
- free access to phone calls, e-mails, and even messages, plus first-aid, if necessary
- fare and taxes reimbursement
- endorsement to other airline agencies
- be rebooked to any of the next available flights without an extra fee or charge.
Airline Passenger Responsibilities

Passengers are obliged to get familiarized with the basic terms and agreements of carriage. Also, they are responsible to follow the rules and regulations of the airline agency established.
All of the purchased tickets and other important documents should be held. Passengers should keep it from the beginning until the end of the trip.
Passengers are responsible to check their luggage if it includes only necessary and valuable items. And, should not contain any nonessential objects such as damaging/harmful weapons.
They should arrive at the airport ahead of time and check-in for the flight to avoid any possible consequences and flight errors.
On the other hand, it is the responsibility of the passenger to keep the agency informed on their personal situation. It should be emphasized that it is not always obvious if someone is PWD. Thus, they shall have to inform the industry to avoid misconceptions.

Remember, passengers have rights but there are also exceptions. A passenger who is sick but not infectious should be allowed to board the aircraft. In other cases, the airline industry has the right to deny a trip to someone. For instance, if he/she is caught by police authorities as a criminal.
Passengers are responsible to declare what is inside their luggage if it has valuables in it. Before a complaint, passengers should let the carrier be responsible for the baggage. It will make the complaint or the approach more effective and factual. (e.g. complaints regarding lost or damaged baggage).
Passengers are responsible to be transparent to the agency.
Rights and responsibilities should always be connected with each other – always be a wise customer!

Kristen sees writing as her way of expressing not only her emotions, but also the things she cannot express orally—they are her source of growth and individuality—not linear, but continuing. For her, in order to be heard, you must first listen. A visual story-teller where everyone is seen, heard, and valued—uses her photographs to create a narrative, to uplift and acknowledge triumphs and failures.