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A Guide on How to Make A DIY Self-Defense Pepper Spray

A Guide on How to Make A DIY Self-Defense Pepper Spray

pepper spray featured image

Commuting alone can be dangerous, especially at night. So, keep yourself safe by making a DIY self-defense pepper spray.

Right before the new school year started, several kidnapping cases started to appear on the news. It alarmed me, personally, given we are now allowed to have limited face-to-face classes. Many worried for themselves and their children’s safety on the streets, especially at night.

To keep myself from overthinking, I thought of finding a way to ensure my safety. Since I know how expensive store-bought pepper sprays can be, I opt to just DIY my own spicy weapon.

How to Make Your Own Pepper Spray

pepper spray self-defense

Gather your ingredients

You will need the following:

  1. Spray bottle
  2. Bowl or container for mixing
  3. Funnel
  4. Strainer
  5. Chili/Red pepper or chili powder
  6. Black pepper (For that coughing effect)
  7. Cayenne pepper
  8. Vinegar
  9. Cooking Oil
  10. Rubbing alcohol or water


pepper spray gif

Step One

Add two tablespoons of chili powder and black pepper. Grind all the peppers together. Pour the alcohol or water as you stir them together. Pour as much until the peppers are fully submerged.

Step Two

Add a tablespoon of cooking oil to make the mixture thick enough. This will make sure it stays longer on the perpetrator once sprayed. I also included a tablespoon of vinegar for more irritation.

See Also

Step Three

Once fully mixed, cover the container and leave it overnight. However, 8 hours would do just fine.

Step Four

After that, strain it into another bowl. Make sure there are no bits and pieces of peppers to avoid them clogging the spray. Then grab a funnel, and transfer it into the spray bottle. Voilà! You have your own spray bottle that you can add to your keychain or place in your bag’s front pocket.

Use it responsibly and away from your pets and children. In case you spray it accidentally on yourself or someone else, wash your eyes immediately with cold water. Stay protected and try not to blind yourself.

More about the author: Lea Briones

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