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Rucap: Drag Race PH Queens Who Already Received a Rubadge

Rucap: Drag Race PH Queens Who Already Received a Rubadge

Each Drag Race Philippines episode features challenges and runway competitions between the candidates. The combined challenge and runway score determines who stays and who goes.

At the end of each episode, the bottom two will compete in a lip-sync battle in an effort to win over the judges one last time. One lady will have to go home. On the other hand, the episode’s best-performing lady will be given a cash tip and a rubadge in recognition of her performance.

While we wait for episode 7, let’s look back at the queens who already received a rubadge.

Minty Fresh

The first contestant to get a rubadge was Minty.

Episode 1 challenge was a talent segment titled ‘Totally Impressive Talent Extravaganza’ and the runway category was ‘Ter-No She Bettah Don’t!’ where candidates need to showcase a terno-inspired outfit.

Minty rocked both the challenge and the runway segment. 

Viñas DeLuxe

The ladies had to create their Sagala Eleganza haute couture outfits for the challenge and sashayed them on the runway in a “Sagalamazon” category for Episode 2.

Viñas was awarded a badge for winning this round.


The ladies slayed the ‘Pop Off Ate!’ girl group performance for their challenge in Episode 3 and appeared on the “Shake, Rattle, and Rampa” runway wearing outfits inspired by Philippine myths and creatures.

Turing received her rubadge for her excellent performance in this episode. Unfortunately, she was eliminated in the episode after.

Precious Paula Nicole

Precious earned her rubadge in Episode 4.

She served a Regine Velazquez impersonation on their lip-sync extravaganza challenge titled ‘OPM Divas: The Rusical’ and rocked the ‘Peal of the Orient Seas’ runway.

Marina Summers

In Episode 5, the girls showed how confident they are in an extravagant beauty pageant titled ‘Miss Shutacca’. They also walked confidently in their pink pak boom outfits on the runway.

The fifth to receive a rubadge was Marina for performing well in this episode.


The contestants competed in a Snatch Game for the episode 6 challenge. They also impressed us with their two-in-one ru-vealation outfits for their runway.

Xilouhete came out on top in this episode and was recognized with a rubadge. 

These ladies have consistently shown that they are all deserving of the crown, and the competition for the first-ever Drag Race Philippines crown is heating up.

Continue to dazzle us, queens!

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