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Best of Tiktok Creators: My favorite videos of Esnyr Ranollo (@esnyrr)

Best of Tiktok Creators: My favorite videos of Esnyr Ranollo (@esnyrr)

Esnyr Ranollo Tiktok

One of the platforms that continue to emerge nowadays is the app called Tiktok. Here, creators with brilliant content seek to entertain viewers of all ages. With a video of only 15 seconds to 3 minutes, you can already become an internet superstar.

That’s why I decided to create a series of four articles featuring four of my favorite funny Pinoy content creators. As a matter of fact, I’m gonna feature their videos that made me laugh the most.

In this one, we have Esnyr Renollo. His content revolves around the reenactment of some of the memorable things we have done in High School.

Photo from Esnyr’s Instagram account (@esnyrrr)

He has videos ranging from petty fights in the classroom to that encounter we have with the Kuya who influences us to buy his products of storybooks and plant seeds.

The creator already has 1.5 Million followers. In fact, what’s amazing is that his views range from that kind of number as well.

Love Knot during Intramurals


Meanwhile, this skit shows a teenager who drops subtle hints to her friends that she wants to be love knot with her crush. In addition, what’s funny here is the concept of being “pabebe” or playing hard-to-get.

That one member in every thesis paper or research group


#pov : That “one” member in every thesis/research group. #fyp #tiktokph

♬ original sound – Esnyr Ranollo – Esnyr Ranollo

On the other hand, it has always been kidded that in thesis papers, there is always “that one person”. Of course, this video shows that. For instance, not being more involved in the process.

Shipping your crush to another person

In this video, a girl wants to be cast as the main role in the classroom play and be paired with her crush. However, as she pretends that she doesn’t want to do it, another girl ends up grabbing it. As a result, she gets hurt inside and acts like she ships them together.

See Also

Feud between school sections

This one is about how competitive High School sections are with each other—during contests, behavior, basically everything.

Of course, that Kuya who sells storybooks and plant seeds


Isa ka din ba sa nabudol noong grade 3?🤩

♬ original sound – Esnyr Ranollo – Esnyr Ranollo

Lastly, this guy encourages us to buy his storybooks and even seedlings when we were in primary school.

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