We pray that Americans overcome these 2 wars — COVID-19 and racism

As the entire world tries to fight the coronavirus pandemic, the United States is fighting two wars, the dreaded coronavirus disease and racism. It seems though that the powerhouse country is losing on both fronts. With no clear plan in place, they’re losing their fight to flatten the curve. At the same time, the brutal killing of George Floyd seems to anger the nation causing a possible civil war.
Our country has had our own issues with the police especially during the drug war wherein human rights were blatantly abused. But the scenario in the US is an entirely different thing. It has a horrific past. From the Black’s emancipation to slavery up to their fight for equality during the civil rights movement.
We thought that this proud nation has overcome that when Barack Obama won the historic presidency. But what we’ve seen in the video killing shows so much hatred, that racial discrimination hasn’t disappeared after all. Seeing a police officer’s knee on the neck of George as he struggled for his life has caused an uproar. How couldn’t it be if it has brought back the pain of black Americans over 400 years of slavery, segregation, and police brutality?
Why is there an uproar?
A protest because of the killing was intensified causing a standoff between the police and the protesters. What’s worse is the outpouring national anger has caused people to swarm the streets last Saturday. According to New York Times, tens of thousands of people protested to express their outrage and sorrow during the day. But it has descended into a night of unrest with reports of the shooting, looting, and vandalism in some cities.
What’s worse is some are protesting without masks. It’s like the civil war all over again, total mayhem. With the heightened fear and uncertainty because of COVID-19, the incident has fueled the fear which has been turning into chaos. Should the protests escalate and the coronavirus infection rate spikes, this could mean a collapse of the US economy. If this will not stop since they are the leading economy, it can result to a global crisis. Since it’s exacerbated by the pandemic, the threat is more imminent, we should watch out and stay vigilant by praying for them.
Celebrities express outrage
Famed celebrities are using their platform by posting heartfelt messages to express their deepest sympathies but also their outrage. Led by Queen B herself, Beyonce has posted a powerful video. She said she felt “broken and disgusted” by racism in America and demanded justice. “No more senseless killings of human beings. No more seeing people of color as less than human. We can no longer look away,” she added.
Selena Gomez who is a known advocate for mental health said on her IG account, “Nothing anyone says can take back what has happened. But we can and must all make sure to take action. Too many black lives have been taken from us for far too long.”
Taylor Swift was no holds barred as she sent a message to Donald Trump through Twitter. She posted: “After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence? ‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November. @realdonaldtrump.”
Cardi B who became more endeared to Filipinos for saying that Lumpiang Shanghai is ‘good as hell’ has shown her fiery passionate self. She has condemned the killing as well and has even posted a campaign to pressure the US District Attorney Mike Freeman to charge and arrest the officers immediately.
We pray and hope that the Americans overcome these two wars. Maybe these can be blamed due to the heightened anxiety induced by the pandemic, but one thing is for sure Americans will always fight for their freedom and human rights because they care for their country so much. We’re not losing hope that we, Filipinos wake up and start caring the same way. This is not to encourage anyone to protest but to express our collective voices because the Voice of the People is the Voice of God. #VoxPopuliVoxDei

Arthur Tolentino is a creative who has diverse interests from creative writing to hairstyling and pageant coaching. Being passionate that he is, he loves pop culture and loves to talk about anything and everything under the sun.