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5 Powerful Lessons From The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck

5 Powerful Lessons From The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck

If you want to have a good life, you should start not giving a f*ck. As intriguing as it may sound, this book hypes all the drama and gives you the comfort of being different. Mark Manson’s 2016 self-help book is one of my favorite ones to read. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck showed me powerful life lessons. It helped me understand more about myself and how life truly works.

5 Powerful Lessons From The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck

Life isn’t supposed to go your way all the time. And, that’s okay.

In life, we always plan what we want to have and achieve. But, it doesn’t always happen. We either change plans or do not have plans at all. But, that’s the lesson of how we survive sudden change. Above all, it’s the uncertainty that makes us tough and adapts to that change.

Failure is a part of life; it is how you learn and grow.

It has become the starting point of how we realize that failure remains an opportunity to harvest your craft and work for it. If you failed one of your subjects, do you say it’s not for me? Instead, you study harder and learn from your mistakes. Use failure for your own self-improvement.

The person you are right now will change tomorrow.

Change is constant. Over time, as we grow up our attitudes and interests also change. It’s a sign of maturity that we never go as usual and oftentimes try new things.

Once you’re great at one thing, aim to be great at another.

Make it a habit. You might be great at drawing right now, but you have to hone your skills in painting the next. It becomes as a step for you to discover new things. It also challenges you to work your craft better. This helps you aim and uncover new talents and hobbies that you can do. Remember, a jack of all trades is better than a master of one.

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Hardships are necessary in life.

Life wouldn’t be life without hardships and problems. It is necessarily part of how we grow as an individual. It helps shape how we live life and overcome errors. Importantly, this makes us strong and survive what problems we are currently facing.

Life is full of uncertainty, it makes us overthink the simplest ways. But, one thing is for sure, we must live and face our present. As an individual, it’s okay to feel defeated but we must grow into those mistakes. Life is full of problems, but always choose not to give a f*ck!

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