5 Best Crystals To Enhance Productivity For School

Add a mix of spirituality into your study routine and boost your focus in school through the magical energy crystals! Have you ever felt like you couldn’t focus on your schoolwork? Do you struggle to get inspiration to write your essays? Are you also having trouble being confident in your classes? If so, then perhaps crystals could help.
Crystals are magical
Many ancient cultures believe that crystals have healing properties for the mind, body, and soul. Since crystals are minerals from the earth, they also have energies humans can work with. Best-selling author and crystal guru Judy Hall explained in her book, The Little Book of Crystals, that crystals have special properties due to their “stable and unchanging energy pattern, each with a unique frequency and energy field, or resonance.” Hence, why people also use them for meditation and healing.

How do you exactly use crystals?
Given that crystals are energetic, it is important to make sure they work for you and only you. Always cleanse your crystals once you receive them like how you disinfect your parcels after getting delivered. You don’t want other people’s energy mixing in with yours. Cleansing can be done in various ways such as through incense, smudging, full moon, salt, water, selenite, and many more. After cleansing, program your crystals by giving them your intention. I personally do it through meditating or whispering what I want it to do for me. In this way, I get to visualize and manifest my desired outcomes.
Here are 5 crystals to boost your productivity
Clear Quartz
Clear quartz is the most basic essential among all crystals. Just like a white shirt in your wardrobe, it goes along with every type of situation. It is known as an amplifier of other crystals as it strengthens their effects. Clear quartz activates all chakras, making it a great substitute for any crystals.

This ice-like mineral is great for enhancing mental clarity, stabilizing emotions, and manifesting success. I find it beneficial to hold it whenever I’m studying for my exams or writing an essay. In fact, I have it right now as I’m writing this piece.
A dear friend gave me my first crystals as a gift and one of them turned out to be a Carnelian. Working with it changed my life as I used to fear debates or any public speaking activity in class.

Known as The Artists’ Stone, this red-orange Chalcedony is best for boosting creativity, inspiration, confidence, and energy. You just better not put this next to a calming crystal like Amethyst or Aquamarine, or else it will be a confusing energy.
School can be stressful, indeed. Therefore, it is helpful to have a Citrine around to transmute those negative energies to positive ones.

This sunshine of a crystal brings warm and radiating energy that diminishes sluggishness and fatigue. It boosts productivity while encouraging optimism and bringing confidence into your work. It is also a crystal of abundance as it attracts success and happiness.
Communication is always the key, especially when it comes to working in groups or writing a research paper.

As a communication student and writer, I find sodalite as an effective tool for putting my thoughts into words by maintaining my focus. This dark blue mineral is great for encouraging truth, enhancing intuition, increasing mental clarity, and aiding anxiety or negative thoughts.
Green Aventurine
We will definitely need a little bit of luck in acing those grades. With that, we have Green aventurine!

The name came from the Italian word “Aventura” which means chance. This lucky crystal brings abundance and good fortune to whoever possesses it. It is famous for manifesting money and success. Green aventurine encourages decisive action and brings amazing opportunities your way. This will ultimately push you to focus and be more productive in class.
There is always nothing wrong with believing in the intangible as we are all still on the path of discovering the secrets of this universe. If you believe crystals will work for you, then they will definitely work for you. Just like a prayer, one must always have faith that everything will be okay as the universe wills it. What is your favorite crystal for studying? We would love to hear more crystal suggestions!

Lea Briones' love for writing and reading books led her to the path of journalism, molding her to become the outspoken feminist she is today. At fifteen, she already knew she wanted to be a writer as she aspires to be her own version of the hopeless romantic it girl, Carrie Bradshaw. This introverted Virgo sun, Leo moon, and Libra rising is an astrology enthusiast and an avid crystal collector who found solace and comfort in writing her thoughts and innermost feelings.