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Why More Pediatricians in the U.S. are Recommending European Baby Formulas 

Why More Pediatricians in the U.S. are Recommending European Baby Formulas 

More and more American pediatricians and families are choosing European infant formula as the nutritional basis for their babies in the first year of life. Demand for these formulas has increased to the maximum in the last few years, which was obviously related to the recent shortage of infant formula in the United States. There are many opinions on whether organic baby food from Europe is an optimal substitute for local infant formula. Hence, a pediatrician’s opinion is the most important factor in creating a balanced nutrition plan for your baby.

Responsible approach to the choice of baby food

Today, experts are increasingly advocating breastfeeding. And indeed, breast milk is most beneficial for the baby: it has everything necessary for his/her growth and development, and the components are unique, because it adjusts to the needs of a particular infant.

In general, with breastfeeding, everything is more or less clear; then, in the question of mixed or formula feeding, there is a crucial aspect: the choice of infant formula.

There is no need to rely on colorful advertisements or online advice from groups on social media to choose baby food. After all, it is worth realizing that each baby has his/her individual nutritional needs, and what suits one baby most likely will not suit another. It is very important to show a rational approach to the choice, so first, you should learn about the types of existing formulas (baby food). And, of course, it is necessary to seek advice from a pediatrician, who will help find the best baby food that will suit the baby as much as possible.

What you need to know about European infant formula before making the right choice

There are a huge number of different formulas on the market today. They are divided into basic, designed to feed healthy babies, specialized – for babies with special needs (for premature babies, babies with colic, constipation, regurgitation, and allergies), and therapeutic – for various diseases, liver disorders, intestinal disorders, and so on. The initial product for most formulas is cow’s milk or whey powder.

All baby food options, including Organic’s Best Formula, meet strict WHO requirements: any formula must contain a certain amount of trace elements, vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, taurine, carnitine, and other components.

Here, we come to a crucial point: The FDA does not regulate most European formulas. There are no significant differences between American and European formulas when it comes to FDA requirements for the composition of infant formula. In the context of the vitamin and mineral component, the higher amount of iron in American formulas plays an essential role for pediatricians in the U.S. to avoid anemia in infants.

European formulas differ in the majority of their carbohydrate composition of the product (lactose as the basis of the carbohydrate component) and a ban on the use of corn syrup and other sweeteners. European requirements for baby food production are somewhat stricter than in the United States.

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Therefore, many parents reasonably consider EU formulas to be of higher quality in the sense of purity and simplicity of the ingredients used in the manufacturing process. 

Delivery of baby food products

Another critical point is the transportation of baby food from Europe. The delivery of such baby food products must be carried out safely because this directly affects the quality of baby formula and its digestibility by the baby’s body.

As for the unequivocal opinion of pediatricians in favor of one or other formula, in this case, it all depends on the nutritional needs of the baby and his or her health. Only a doctor can determine the deficiencies of vitamins and minerals in the baby’s body and how parents need to correct the baby’s diet.

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