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When is it truly ideal to bear a child?

When is it truly ideal to bear a child?

Photo Courtesy of Canva

Most women believe and are told that having a baby in their mid-late 20s is preferable to having one in their 30s.

While this may not appear to be as serious as other health issues, it still affects a large number of people.

It is, especially, women who want to follow their biological window when it comes to having a child. 

There is no one-size-fits-all age for having a baby, but there is a biologically ideal time to do so.

Childbearing and Biology

As per a medically reviewed article by Meredith Wallis, fertility starts in the adolescent years.

It’s when a teenager enters puberty and steadily increases for several years.

The 20s are typically a time of high fertility for both males and females.

Photo: Canva

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, female fertility declines slightly in their early 30s.

It then declines significantly between the ages of 35 and 45.

Every month, a healthy 30-year-old female has a 20% chance of becoming pregnant. By the age of 40, the rate of change has dropped to less than 5%.

But while biological readiness is a crucial factor that most women value, it’s not always the deciding factor when it comes to having a child. 

For many people, the time when they are most fertile may no longer be the best or most practical time to have a baby.

This is due to financial issues, career paths, and personal beliefs.

Parenting and Financial Stability

Photo: moneyfit.org

There’s a reason why this is such an important factor in raising children and yet this remains to be neglected.

People who place a high value on their biological readiness and are overly concerned about it often overlook their financial situation. 

Being financially prepared to have a child can take quite some time. This may mean having a stable job, decent housing, or investing in real estate.

Some people do not believe in waiting until the right time to be financially secure, which is a poor decision.

Meanwhile, those who value it take much longer to secure financial independence that’ll allow them to support child care costs once they have a child.

Having a Child from a Psychological Perspective

Photo: Healthline

This is just as important to consider as the other factors mentioned above when deciding to have a baby.

There is no definite age at which a person is psychologically ready for a child; some people are ready in their early 20s, while this isn’t true to others.

New research by PubMed Central suggests that a person’s brain does not fully develop until they are 25 years old.

And all of the previously discussed factors come into play in one’s psychological preparedness.

Having a child is no small matter, and it comes with a slew of challenges that’ll put your emotional and mental health to the test.

It is crucially important that we begin paying more attention to our psychological health.

We should assess our mental wellbeing so that we do not pass on our traumas and toxic behavioral patterns to our children.

What happens if these factors aren’t carefully considered?

Photos: Mom Junction & Project Grace

Failure to consider these factors lead to underlying issues such as problems in health.

This could also lead to trauma, toxic family relationships, and even poverty in the long run.

Even if you are biologically ready in your 20s, you may not be mentally or financially capable of caring for a child, and this can happen.  

If there’s one thing about my parents’ way of raising me that I don’t like, it’s probably their decision to bring a life into this world while financially unprepared,” Joyce, a 22 yr-old college student, said in an interview.

“They could have given me a better life,” she continued, “things would have been different if we had a better financial situation.”

In terms of finances, this is just one example of poor parenting.

Others also spoke of their traumas as a result of their parents’ lack of intellectual and emotional readiness.

So, when is it truly ideal to have a child?

The majority of people surveyed for this article said their ideal age for having a child is 28-30 years old.

“I want to have a child by the age of 30 so that I’ll still be able to play with my children and relate to them after ten years.

It is ideal for me because it’s neither too young nor too old to cause high-risk pregnancy complications.

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Gentle Parenting Among New Parents

Also, at this age, I’ve already established a career and am in good financial shape.

More than anything, my goal is to raise them in a nurturing and loving environment.

I must be mentally and emotionally prepared for the role to do so.

I need to make sure all traumatic issues are resolved before I accept a lifelong and life-changing commitment.”

-Blessy Mesa, 22, med student.

I want to settle down at the age of 30, so I’d have my first child within a year of getting married.

In 5 to 8 years’ time, I’d have things figured out and a steady job to support my future family.

I believe I’d be more prepared for that kind of responsibility.

-Ariane Almeniana, 22, financial management student.

“It is best to have a child when you are 28 years old or older.

To me, parents at that age are better prepared mentally and financially to sustain a family.

They are neither too young nor too old to plan for the future of their children.”

-Renilda Enteria, 76, became a mom at 20

So there really isn’t a specific age when having a child is ideal.

It’s also possible that you won’t feel completely prepared all at once.

It is entirely up to each person to determine what age is best suited for them.

When it comes to raising a child, the wisest choice you can do is to weigh all of the benefits and drawbacks and figure out what will work best for you, your values, and your future goals.

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