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When in Isabela: Discover the Queen Province of the North

When in Isabela: Discover the Queen Province of the North

Nestled in the Philippines’ northern area, the province of Isabela, dubbed “The Queen Province of the North,” offers a mesmerizing blend of rich heritage, stunning landscapes, and genuine Filipino hospitality. 

In terms of land area, it is the largest province. The Queen Province of the North is home to a plethora of natural wonders, historical landmarks, and cultural treasures, making it a must-see destination for those looking for an authentic Philippine experience.

When in Isabela: Discover the Queen Province of the North

jones bridge in Isabela
Jones Bridge | Photo from Spy Aero

Natural Attractions in Isabela

Isabela’s various natural sceneries will undoubtedly stun nature aficionados. The province is well-known for its green forests, gushing rivers, and breathtaking mountains. Furthermore, the northern queen boasts of the magnificent Sierra Madre Mountain Range. 

The mountain mentioned above range passes across Isabela and provides a scenic setting for outdoor enthusiasts. It also aids in protecting not only the province but the entire country, from severe storms.

Adventurers are encouraged to explore Palanan’s breathtaking caves. They can also climb through the lush forests of the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park or marvel at the sheer beauty of the Magat Dam, a man-made wonder set against a gorgeous landscape.

historical church in Isabela
San Pablo Church, Isabela | Photo from Shine Mom

Rich History of Isabela

Isabela provides a glimpse into the country’s illustrious past for history aficionados. The province, for example, is home to centuries-old churches like the San Pablo Church in Cabagan and the Santo Tomas de Villanueva Church in San Mateo. 

The churches in discussion feature excellent Spanish colonial architecture. Apart from churches, Isabela has the Museo de La Isabela in Ilagan City. The museum is well-known for preserving and displaying relics from the region’s cultural heritage.

Bambanti festival in Isabela
Bambanti Festival | Photo from Nomadic Experience

Vibrant Festivals in Isabela

Aside from historical sites, Isabela is well-known for its lively festivals. This includes the rice cake wrapped in banana leaves which is a local delicacy.

corn harvest in Isabela
Corn Harvest | Photo from Business Mirror

Variety of Products from Isabela

Isabela province is a real treasure trove of agricultural bounty. It is known as the “Rice and Corn Granary of the North.” As it is a haven for a vast range of high-quality agricultural products. 

From staple crops to one-of-a-kind delicacies, the province offers a diverse range of products that contribute considerably to the nation’s food security and economic growth.


Rice, the Filipino staple meal, takes center stage in Isabela’s agricultural environment. The province features Corn

Corn is another vital crop that thrives in Isabela’s excellent soil. It is worth noting that the province’s corn plantations produce both yellow and white corn, which are used in a variety of businesses

Aside from human consumption, corn is used in the manufacture of animal feed. Which feeds cattle and poultry farms around the country. 

Fruits and Vegetables

Aside from the core crops described above, Isabela offers a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that contribute to the country’s thriving culinary scene. 

See Also

The province’s climate and lush plains aid in the development of a wide variety of products. In Isabela’s orchards and fields, luscious mangoes, succulent bananas, vivid citrus fruits, as well as a variety of vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants, and squash thrive. 

These farm-fresh offerings grace dinner tables and make their way to local markets. Which helps in sustaining both rural and urban communities.

Livestock and Poultry

Isabela’s dedication to agricultural excellence includes its cattle and poultry industries. There are thriving farms in the province that breed pigs, cows, carabaos, goats, chickens, and ducks. 

These farms contribute to the nation’s meat and poultry supply, which aids in guaranteeing a consistent flow of high-quality products to suit the needs of a rising population.


Isabela is becoming known for its coffee production. Arabica and Robusta coffee varietals are grown on the province’s coffee farms, producing aromatic and tasty beans. 

Isabela’s coffee beans are farmed and processed with care, resulting in a rich and distinct brew. Isabela’s coffee business provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity for coffee lovers to taste the rich flavors of locally grown beans, contributing to the country’s developing specialty coffee market.

Crowning the Queen

Isabela, the queen province of the north, is a mesmerizing destination that represents the finest of the Philippines, with a rich heritage, magnificent landscapes, and exciting festivals.  Aside from that, it shines as the Philippines’ agricultural powerhouse, with a variety of products ranging from rice and corn to fruits, vegetables, livestock, and coffee.

Whether you’re an adventure seeker, history enthusiast, or simply a traveler in search of an authentic cultural experience, Isabela will leave you with lasting memories and a deeper appreciation for the beauty of the Philippines.

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