Things You Should Know Before Getting a Rabbit

Regardless of their gender or breed, rabbits can be silly, timid, shy, curious, and lively. Sometimes, they choose to sit close to you, climb on your back, or gnaw on your socks as typical displays of affection. And, some of them will even lick your cheeks or hands.

With their tame and tender personalities, rabbits are surely ideal pets. But before deciding on bringing them home, here are some crucial things you should know.
They are long-term responsibility.
Rabbits are indeed great pets, but for their well-being, they also require the right habitat, activity, socialization, and nourishment. In addition, certain rabbit breeds, especially those with longer fur, may need regular grooming. And while they can live up to 12 years or longer, they are mostly live for approximately 8-10 years. Thus, it is vital to be prepared to care for them for that long.
They don’t solely rely on carrots.
Because they are naturally herbivores, rabbits can only eat plants. Their natural food includes fresh leaves from plants or shrubs, grasses, weeds, and bark. Moreover, fresh veggies can also be provided to them every day but only in small portions. And to prevent disturbing their digestive system, gradually introduce different fruits and vegetables. Additionally, the pellets appropriate for rabbits are comprehensive and well-balanced meals. And remember not to feed them too much, or they may become overweight.

They also need hutch.
Rabbits also need a haven with enough space for them to move around while being protected from outside predators. They need a waterproof hutch with a sleeping area that is dry, dark, and spacious enough for them to have separate rooms for exercise and a toilet area. Most importantly, it is crucial to ensure that they have a dry and clean place to sleep because dirty bedding can cause respiratory illnesses, skin conditions, and mite and flea infestations in rabbits.
They also need a doctor.
Rabbits require routine health checks from a veterinarian, just like any other animal. Make sure you are also knowledgeable about the common health issues that affect rabbits, as well as the symptoms that need a call for immediate veterinarian attention.
They are chewing machines.
Rabbits are unable to distinguish between safe and unsafe chewing material. Therefore, each section of your house that your rabbit may access must be rabbit-proof. Ergo, they can’t access objects like furniture, books, or electrical cables that might hurt them. However, you can give your rabbit a toy, cardboard box, or stick that is safe for them to use and chew instead.

Certainly, rabbits are great pets. However, they also require adequate care, a clean cage, clean water, and similar stuff, just like any other animals. Furthermore, there are also a few things to be aware of before having one, even though they make lovely companions and are not the most demanding pets to care for.

Kraiza Pascual is a 22-year-old self-taught digital artist and an aspiring writer who loves to feature foods, places, and lifestyles.