THESIS-it: Five Tips To Successfully Defend Your Thesis
A few more months before summer, it means most graduating students are excited to march on stage and get their diplomas. But before that, let’s talk about the most difficult challenge that every student faces prior to graduation — your thesis!
Your undergraduate or graduate thesis is your key to your graduation. Most likely, it would be the one to dictate you whether you’ll march on stage or not. Since the month of March is approaching, graduating students are probably preparing for their defense. Here are some tips on preparing to defend your research after tons of leg work and effort just to finish your study.
Know and love your topic
You might be thinking it’s too early to read this kind of article but there is nothing else good than to be prepared as early as now. When doing research, make sure that you totally know what you are conducting is all about. You must be very knowledgable about the topic you are looking for answers from your participants or respondents. In short, love your topic regardless of how sensitive or shallow it is.
After finishing all the chapters, it is highly advisable to review your literature and study review or RRL. With this, you’d have your bullets when the panel shoots you a question about your topic.
Presenting your research is just like telling your favorite movie to your friend. When you really know what the topic is all about, I’m pretty sure you’d be able to present it very well because you studied hard for it.
Find a ‘plothole’ in your study then answer it by yourself
Yes, you heard it right. Just like in movies, there are some instances that your study has a ‘plothole’ or a problem or inconsistency unless you really did it well. But to make sure, find some problems in your study that you think panel would most likely ask you when they read your findings.
List down some questions that you think panels would throw at you and answer it by yourself. Think as a panel when you read your paper so that you’d be able to spot the errors. With this tip, you’d be able to have an early answer to the questions they might ask you.
Revise until your paper looks well-written
There’s nothing wrong with being a perfectionist. In fact, a well-written and presented research paper is what they are looking for. When your study has minimal errors or gaps, some would no longer ask you questions, or in some cases, they would only ask a few questions or just a clarification.
Rewrite your research based on appropriate grammar, syntax, usage of English language and content depending on your topic. Be technical in writing, you do not need flowery words in research.
Practice presenting your research
If you have stage fright, this tip is highly advisable for you. Practice defending your research orally especially those parts you find difficult to present.
In case you have a partner or you are composed of more than two proponents, divide your work so you could focus on your own. You may discuss your research orally whenever you are taking a bath, exercising, or commuting to school. Practicing your presentation would make you more confident and panels would most likely feel that you know what you’re talking about.
Make a good PowerPoint presentation
Aside from your manuscript, your panel would also consider your PowerPoint presentation, especially when discussing your findings. Some data with numerical information require a visual presentation.
A good and eye-catching PowerPoint would make your study more understandable and clear to the panel. Don’t make your presentation wordy — let your manuscript be in charge of the words. Use effective graphics, images, or fonts when presenting your data analysis.
Last but not the least, make sure that everything in your paper is well-discussed.
Defending your research is the most crucial phase before marching on stage for graduation. In some cases, some researchers undergo re-defense as required by the panel. But of course, nobody wants to hear that word. We want to hear the graduation song instead.
May this article inspire you to defend your research. Good luck!