Superstitions: The Things You Should Not Do at a Funeral

Various superstitions exist in different situations or events. People follow it depending on how strong their beliefs towards it. At a funeral, many superstitions must be followed. If there are things you should do to avoid bad luck, there are also things that should not be done at a funeral.

Do not brush your hair
Combing or brushing our hair is normal, but not at a funeral. Brushing your hair is said to cause hair loss or baldness. Furthermore, it will bring bad luck to you and to the deceased family.
Never bring home food
Bringing food from a funeral is not a good idea. In addition, doing so will also bring negativity into your life. In addition, they said that the dead may follow you home.
Avoid using a mirror
When you’re inside the funeral, don’t look in the mirror. Mirrors are always covered or turned toward the wall to hide the body from the soul. They also stated that looking in the mirror could lead to seeing a devil.

Do not visit if you have a period
If you have a period, never attempt to attend a funeral. Going so will make a woman’s period unpleasant each month. If you are unaware of this but have attended a funeral with your period, you will know whether it is true or not.
Do not wear red clothes
Red is a color associated with joy and love. Due to its brightness, wearing red is somewhat disrespectful to the family. Furthermore, it will bring bad luck. Instead, you can wear black to express your grief.
Do not go home straight
They said the dead would follow you if you returned home immediately after attending a funeral. If you don’t want that to happen, go somewhere else for a moment. The Filipinos call this ‘pagpag,’ which means removing or shooing away negativity.

Avoid sweeping floor
When there is a funeral, sweeping the floor is inappropriate. Sweeping symbolizes brushing away the dead’s spirit. It also brings bad luck to the family, as other members will follow the deceased into the afterlife.
Do not look at the coffin when pregnant
Some think attending a funeral while pregnant will result in a tough delivery. Furthermore, the child may die, or the bad spirit may take the baby away. This is one of the most popular superstitions among Filipinos.
These are only some things you should not do during a funeral. Although it does not imply that everyone must follow it, many still do so. They say better to follow than attract bad luck.
How about you? Have you followed these superstitions? On the other hand, following those or not, the most important thing you must remember is to respect the dead and their family.

She is an aspiring individual who loves to share her thoughts and feelings through writing. She aims to be able to make use of her knowledge and skill-sets to their full potential and, at the same time, acquire new learnings throughout her journey of self-growth and discovery.