Sarah Lahbati gets real with her insecurities – here’s why it’s important
Philippines is an entertainment-obsessed country, to say the least.
Often, we tend to forget that these artists whom we hold at such high standards are not plastic Barbies. They have flaws, and they make mistakes. We keep on forgetting that they are allowed to, because that’s exactly what makes them human.
Just recently, we’ve seen the wonderful photos of the Lahbati-Gutierrez fam as they celebrate the birthday of celebrity-dad, Richard Gutierrez. The occasion allowed the family to spend time together in the beautiful El Nido, Palawan.
Wonder mom Sarah Lahbati, on another post, couldn’t be more beautiful as she took it on Instagram to proudly flaunt her stretchmarks.
Wearing a Boom Sason two-piece swimsuit, Sarah Lahbati admitted that, “I’m tired of hiding my stretch-marks. I’m not perfect. No one is.”
And I think that this vulnerability is critical on allowing the women of our society to see themselves as normal.
Because for so long, we’ve been comparing ourselves, our bodies, to people in the entertainment industry. Not knowing that often, these people are fighting silent battles themselves.
“I’ve always been ready to give all of me to my loved ones but never poured that same cup to myself.”
Sarah Lahbati on her Instagram post
This only goes to show how even the seemingly most confident woman you know can hurt privately. And that’s okay.
To loving all of you
This is a testament, as well, that the journey to self-love and self-acceptance is not linear. It is okay for you to take your time in being comfortable in your body. And from time to time, allow yourself to see the beauty beyond what you see is ugly. As Sarah Lahbati said:
“Took me some time to realize that my stretch marks are my best tattoos. A reminder that I am a strong and resilient woman whose been through a lot but most importantly, I’ve given birth to my two dearest sons, Zion and Kai. My angels.”
May this be a reminder for us to be a bit kinder to ourselves. We are enough. And we are more than just our beauty.
Joma is an enthusiastic public-speaker and a passionate story-teller. Armed with a pen, her wild ideas, and zest for the unseen, she goes far and wide to sew words and unearth stories. Beyond what she loves, you'll find her snuggled in between silent giggles, engrossed with rom-coms and sweet delights.