Pet Pals: The New ‘Pet Society’

Did you feel sad when Pet Society became unavailable on Facebook in June 2013? Reviving the memories of our Facebook beginnings, Pet Society stands out as one of the childhood games we’ve played. Excitingly, it’s back on Android as “Pet Pals!“
Pet Pals: The New ‘Pet Society’
Our childhood game just got better because we won’t need to turn our PCs on just to care for our virtual pet! Retaining its original graphics quality and features, playing this game can evoke a nostalgic sensation. It brings you back to the gaming excitement of fun-filled gameplay.
Dress up, customize, care, and earn for your pet!
Gameplay Screenshot
As you finished installing the game, you will be asked for your login credentials before you proceed. After that, you can now customize your pet. Tutorials are also included so you will be assisted throughout the game.
As I’ve played the game, I’ve seen how much it has improved. You can now chat with the other players, interact, and even use in-game emotes to further express yourself. Moreover, there many fun stuffs to discover inside this game.
Gameplay Screenshot | Default Pet House
Add more floors, design your home, and make it the way you wanted. That’s the fun thing about this game; you can express your creativity and yourself by designing your home!
Gameplay Screenshot from the Pet Pals’ Website
Adorn yourself with a variety of in-game clothing options, including adorable outfits and even wigs for a touch of whimsy.
Gameplay Screenshot | Outside of Town
Meet new friends by going out of your house, socializing with other pets since the chat feature became available inside the game. You can also visit other in-game utilities where you can obtain virtual assets that you can use to customize your pet, or your home.
This game just got even better because you also get to choose your next destination in one click! You can now easily explore the, Street, Bank, Stylist, Pond, Arcade, DIY, Cafe, Stadium, Garden Shop, Clothes Shop, Food Shop, and Mystery Shop. Who knows? There might be more shops and travel spots you can explore over time since the game continuously upgrades.
One thing has changed about this game is that it adapts to the device you’re playing from, of course!
You can enjoy this game anytime and anywhere!
As this game is not only available for Android, but also in iOS, and PC via WebGL and Facebook Gameroom. So what are you waiting for? Install this stress-reliever now and unleash that childhood memories of yours as you play!

Annefreid often finds herself being lost in the lines of serene melodies of this world. When writing, she usually uses personal anecdotes, and she also likes to write about the things she loves. She also wanted her write-ups to be something people will look for whenever they wanted to know about something, as she's fond of aiding people through her words as a writer. Moreover, she spends her time making music and creatively writing where she can exercise her creativity.