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OPINION: Best American Horror Story Seasons You Should Watch!

OPINION: Best American Horror Story Seasons You Should Watch!

American Horror Story is one of those series that has affected us in so many ways! Aside from its very telling stories and star-studded casts, it’s filled with so much gore and jumpscares that we, horror enthusiasts, love!

Here are the best seasons to watch in American Horror Story in my opinion!

Season 4: Freak Show (2014)

American Horror Story Season 4 has given us the gore that we’re craving from the show! It’s a story that revolves around people with deformities and a freak show. This season gave us a ride back to the 1950s and showcased the true aesthetic of that time!

Who wouldn’t be creeped out with a man with such big hands and a twin sharing the same body? I know I would! This season deserves to be part of the best ones of the series, so try to watch if you want to agree.

Season 9: 1984 (2019)

Emma Roberts will always be one of the darlings of the show. Aside from her stellar acting, she really has an edge when it comes to horror. This season revolves around a group of young people who went to a summer camp.

The setting was the in the 1980s so expect to see some funky colors and crazy hairdos! Be sure to watch this season of American Horror Story to see the horror yourself!

Season 2: Asylum (2012)

Even the intro is something to behold of! This will be one of the seasons of the series that still gives me creeps to this day. Every episode puts you at the edge of your sit and would definitely keep you awake at night.

This season tackles mental disabilities and more absurd ways to cure some of them. Being in the 1960s setting, this time still acknowledges homosexuality as a mental problem. They made us see some disturbing things we wouldn’t want to see again, but still one of the best seasons of the show!

Season 1: Murder House (2011)

Of course, the first season of every series will always be the best! Every episode of this season just made us think how horrible the world is with everything that’s happening around us.

Murder House has experienced so much dread and torture that it hurt every people that come into that house and we all felt it. Still, this season has one of the best plot twists and the best ending the show has to offer. Give it a try and watch it!

What about you? What’s your favorite season of American Horror Story? Share it with us!

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